josiahcarlson / redis-in-action

Example code from the book

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Connection to Redis is failing in golang/docker-compose.yml

rilma opened this issue · comments

After attempting for a run of testing cases via docker-composed included in golang subdirectory (I'm using Github Codespaces VM configured with Ubuntu 18.04.1; Docker Compose 1.29.2; Go 1.20.2), I find that connection to Redis is failing (see below). I may give a try for solving the problem, unless @YangKian has a better suggestion.

@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "golang_my-test" with driver "bridge"
Building golang
[+] Building 21.2s (11/11) FINISHED                                                                                                                                                            
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                                                                                      0.4s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 224B                                                                                                                                                      0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                                                         0.5s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                                                           0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                                                                                                 1.6s
 => [auth] library/golang:pull token for                                                                                                                             0.0s
 => [1/5] FROM                                                          10.1s
 => => resolve                                                           0.3s
 => => sha256:7ae5d4ed80128862597e54747828838e317dacf76670e58dbd9294cc268eb21b 1.36kB / 1.36kB                                                                                            0.0s
 => => sha256:d8bc21febf89d0a2f2937b0e7f35f58d5570a3cdaaa283580551cc565558efab 4.62kB / 4.62kB                                                                                            0.0s
 => => sha256:4f1c80d88c5879067f063770c774a8ffd4de47b684333cdbe9a4ce661931b9b8 1.65kB / 1.65kB                                                                                            0.0s
 => => sha256:01872fc92c6cf715d78171a1b715efc05c9b103364c22cf4649e1d44fe2245bf 153B / 153B                                                                                                0.3s
 => => sha256:780d39f1cd5d8c6428547f47a5737bac30da1feff7c94335f65094ca77e2cebf 299.55kB / 299.55kB                                                                                        0.5s
 => => sha256:0a6724ff3fcd51338afdfdc2b1d4ffd04569818e31efad957213d67c29b45101 2.81MB / 2.81MB                                                                                            0.4s
 => => sha256:875fef68e8ab2a5b953f2425137b92b5c8091fbe79604aed01793184e8efbb65 107.28MB / 107.28MB                                                                                        2.4s
 => => extracting sha256:0a6724ff3fcd51338afdfdc2b1d4ffd04569818e31efad957213d67c29b45101                                                                                                 0.1s
 => => sha256:77ac76ad90fed421c2cb5a03fbf6486e4e8a83390168a7187fde99181b54c5f6 126B / 126B                                                                                                0.7s
 => => extracting sha256:780d39f1cd5d8c6428547f47a5737bac30da1feff7c94335f65094ca77e2cebf                                                                                                 0.1s
 => => extracting sha256:01872fc92c6cf715d78171a1b715efc05c9b103364c22cf4649e1d44fe2245bf                                                                                                 0.0s
 => => extracting sha256:875fef68e8ab2a5b953f2425137b92b5c8091fbe79604aed01793184e8efbb65                                                                                                 5.1s
 => => extracting sha256:77ac76ad90fed421c2cb5a03fbf6486e4e8a83390168a7187fde99181b54c5f6                                                                                                 0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                                                                                         0.4s
 => => transferring context: 143.39kB                                                                                                                                                     0.0s
 => [2/5] WORKDIR /src/app                                                                                                                                                                0.3s
 => [3/5] COPY go.mod go.sum ./                                                                                                                                                           0.4s
 => [4/5] RUN go mod download                                                                                                                                                             4.3s
 => [5/5] COPY . .                                                                                                                                                                        0.5s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                                                                                    2.8s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                                                   2.7s
 => => writing image sha256:e6b98742660eabebec2fdb7bc491c4eff9bd744e6c1789db8381a0f24fa803d8                                                                                              0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                                                                          0.0s
WARNING: Image for service golang was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Pulling redis (redis:6.0-rc-alpine)...
6.0-rc-alpine: Pulling from library/redis
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete
dc0373118a0d: Pull complete
cfd369fe6256: Pull complete
09a935bf1649: Pull complete
23985a6095ec: Pull complete
561cada643a7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ff868fb1ff9c8b42a23ba1a1a43c5c13a18ba737e1234321d42c55d924e4a057
Status: Downloaded newer image for redis:6.0-rc-alpine
Creating redis-in-action-golang ... done
Creating redis-in-action-redis  ... done
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker container ls
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                       NAMES
1134cee2cdaa   redis:6.0-rc-alpine   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp   redis-in-action-redis
b267b39b0199   golang_golang         "/bin/sh"                2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes                                               redis-in-action-golang
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter0*/redisConn_test.go -v
named files must all be in one directory; have ./Chapter01/ and ./Chapter02/
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter01/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
2023/04/04 20:29:11 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.006s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter02/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies
2023/04/04 20:29:21 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.004s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter03/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies
2023/04/04 20:29:29 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.003s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter04/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
2023/04/04 20:29:37 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.003s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter05/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
2023/04/04 20:29:49 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.009s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter06/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
2023/04/04 20:30:06 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.004s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter07/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
2023/04/04 20:30:17 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.004s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter08/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
2023/04/04 20:30:23 Connect to redis client failed, err: dial tcp connect: connection refused
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.003s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $

This looks to be a duplicate of #98. Going to close this. Also, I updated the compose file and config, please try again.

I sync my fork so I get your recent changes into master, then I run the testing cases via Docker Compose. The connection to Redis is healthy now, but the testing cases for Chapters 2 and 5 are failing as indicated in #98. Let's see if gets resolved there. Anyway, sharing my results via Docker Compose as follows. You have fixed the issue with your recent two commits to master:

@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker-compose up -d
Pulling redis (redis:6.0-rc-alpine)...
6.0-rc-alpine: Pulling from library/redis
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete
dc0373118a0d: Pull complete
cfd369fe6256: Pull complete
09a935bf1649: Pull complete
23985a6095ec: Pull complete
561cada643a7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ff868fb1ff9c8b42a23ba1a1a43c5c13a18ba737e1234321d42c55d924e4a057
Status: Downloaded newer image for redis:6.0-rc-alpine
Building golang
[+] Building 3.4s (11/11) FINISHED                                                                                                                                                   
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                                                                            0.3s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 35B                                                                                                                                             0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                                               0.3s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                                                 0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                                                                                       0.8s
 => [auth] library/golang:pull token for                                                                                                                   0.0s
 => [1/5] FROM                                                 0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                                                                               0.1s
 => => transferring context: 4.84kB                                                                                                                                             0.0s
 => CACHED [2/5] WORKDIR /src/app                                                                                                                                               0.0s
 => CACHED [3/5] COPY go.mod go.sum ./                                                                                                                                          0.0s
 => CACHED [4/5] RUN go mod download                                                                                                                                            0.0s
 => [5/5] COPY . .                                                                                                                                                              0.3s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                                                                          1.6s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                                         1.4s
 => => writing image sha256:4459e9b3f22614d90568f0c5d478aba360ef5d45903eae08041740eebe062de2                                                                                    0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                                                                0.0s
WARNING: Image for service golang was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating redis-in-action-redis ... done
Creating redis-in-action-golang ... done
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter01/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
    redisConn_test.go:15: We posted a new article with id:  1
        Its HASH looks like:  map[link: poster:username time:1680808032 title:A title votes:1]
        We voted for the article, it now has votes:  2
        The currently highest-scoring articles are: 
    redisConn_test.go:31: 0 map[id:article:1 link: poster:username time:1680808032 title:A title votes:2]
        We added the article to a new group, other articles include: 
    redisConn_test.go:39: 0 map[id:article:1 link: poster:username time:1680808032 title:A title votes:2]
--- PASS: Test (0.03s)
ok      command-line-arguments  0.038s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter02/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Test_UpdateToken
    redisConn_test.go:21: We just logged-in/update token: 
    redisConn_test.go:22: For user:  username
        What username do we get when we look-up that token?
    redisConn_test.go:25: username:  username
    redisConn_test.go:28: Let's drop the maximum number of cookies to 0 to clean them out
    redisConn_test.go:29: We will start a thread to do the cleaning, while we stop it later
    redisConn_test.go:40: The current number of sessions still available is: 0
    redisConn_test.go:41: want get 1, actual get 0
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Test_shopping_cart_cookie
    redisConn_test.go:46: We'll refresh our session...
    redisConn_test.go:48: And add an item to the shopping cart
    redisConn_test.go:51: Our shopping cart currently has: map[itemY:3]
    redisConn_test.go:55: Let's clean out our sessions and carts
    redisConn_test.go:64: Our shopping cart now contains: map[]
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Test_cache_request
    redisConn_test.go:71: We are going to cache a simple request against
    redisConn_test.go:75: We got initial content:  content for
    redisConn_test.go:78: To test that we've cached the request, we'll pass a bad callback
    redisConn_test.go:80: We ended up getting the same response! content for
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Test_cache_row
    redisConn_test.go:88: First, let's schedule caching of itemX every 5 seconds
    redisConn_test.go:90: Our schedule looks like:
    redisConn_test.go:92: itemX 1.68080805e+09
    redisConn_test.go:95: We'll start a caching thread that will cache the data...
    redisConn_test.go:98: Our cached data looks like:
    redisConn_test.go:100: {"Id":"itemX","Data":"data to cache...","Cached":1680808050}
    redisConn_test.go:103: We'll check again in 5 seconds...
    redisConn_test.go:105: Notice that the data has changed...
    redisConn_test.go:107: {"Id":"itemX","Data":"data to cache...","Cached":1680808055}
    redisConn_test.go:111: Let's force un-caching
    redisConn_test.go:115: The cache was cleared? true
--- FAIL: TestLoginCookies (15.01s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoginCookies/Test_UpdateToken (3.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Test_shopping_cart_cookie (3.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Test_cache_request (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Test_cache_row (9.00s)
FAIL    command-line-arguments  15.011s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter03/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Test_INCR_and_DECR
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_substring_and_bit
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_list
    redisConn_test.go:64: the list is:  [first last new last]
    redisConn_test.go:70: the list is:  [new last]
    redisConn_test.go:74: the list is:  [b c]
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Block_pop
    redisConn_test.go:85: the list is:  [item3 item1 item2]
    redisConn_test.go:87: the list is:  [item3 item1]
    redisConn_test.go:88: the list2 is:  [item2]
    redisConn_test.go:90: the result of blpop:  [list item3]
    redisConn_test.go:92: the result of blpop:  [list item1]
    redisConn_test.go:94: the result of blpop:  [list2 item2]
    redisConn_test.go:96: the result of blpop:  []
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Operation_of_set
    redisConn_test.go:108: all items in set:  [b a]
    redisConn_test.go:111: all items in set2:  [a]
    redisConn_test.go:116: the diff between two set is:  [a b]
    redisConn_test.go:118: the inter between two set is:  [d c]
    redisConn_test.go:120: the union between two set is:  [d f c e b a]
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_hash
    redisConn_test.go:131: the result of get:  [v2 v3]
    redisConn_test.go:136: the result of get:  map[k3:v3]
    redisConn_test.go:142: the result of hkeys:  [short long]
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_zset
    redisConn_test.go:166: the result of zrange:  [{3 a} {4 c}]
    redisConn_test.go:174: the result of zrange:  [{4 c} {6 b}]
    redisConn_test.go:177: the result of zrange:  [{0 d} {1 a} {1 c} {2 b}]
    redisConn_test.go:181: the result of zrange:  [{0 d} {1 a} {4 c} {6 b}]
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Sort_operation
    redisConn_test.go:188: result of sort:  [7 15 23 110]
    redisConn_test.go:190: result of sort:  [110 15 23 7]
    redisConn_test.go:196: result of sort:  [15 110 7 23]
    redisConn_test.go:198: result of sort:  [1 3 5 9]
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Set_expire
    redisConn_test.go:212: the rest time:  1m40s
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Test_transaction
=== RUN   TestLoginCookies/Publish_and_subscribe
Message<channel: 6>
Message<channel: 5>
Message<channel: 4>
Message<channel: 3>
unsubscribe success
Message<channel: 2>
Message<channel: 1>
--- PASS: TestLoginCookies (7.16s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Test_INCR_and_DECR (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_substring_and_bit (0.01s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_list (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Block_pop (2.12s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Operation_of_set (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_hash (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Operation_on_zset (0.01s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Sort_operation (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Set_expire (2.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Test_transaction (1.00s)
    --- PASS: TestLoginCookies/Publish_and_subscribe (2.00s)
ok      command-line-arguments  7.160s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter04/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
=== RUN   Test/Test_list_item
    redisConn_test.go:16: We need to set up just enough state so that a user can list an item
    redisConn_test.go:21: The user's inventory has: [itemX]
    redisConn_test.go:24: Listing the item...
    redisConn_test.go:26: Listing the item succeeded? true
    redisConn_test.go:29: The market contains: [{10 itemX.userX}]
    redisConn_test.go:30: The inventory:  
=== RUN   Test/Test_purchase_item
    redisConn_test.go:38: We need to set up just enough state so a user can buy an item
    redisConn_test.go:42: The user has some money: map[funds:125]
    redisConn_test.go:46: Purchasing an item succeeded? true
    redisConn_test.go:49: UserY money is now: map[funds:115]
    redisConn_test.go:56: UserX money is now: map[funds:10]
    redisConn_test.go:63: Their inventory is now: [itemX]
--- PASS: Test (0.01s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_list_item (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_purchase_item (0.00s)
ok      command-line-arguments  0.010s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter05/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
=== RUN   Test/Test_log_recent
    redisConn_test.go:22: Let's write a few logs to the recent log
    redisConn_test.go:27: The current recent message log has this many messages: 5
    redisConn_test.go:28: Those messages include:
    redisConn_test.go:30: 2023-04-06 19:08:04.85444159 +0000 UTC this is message 4
    redisConn_test.go:30: 2023-04-06 19:08:04.853624196 +0000 UTC this is message 3
    redisConn_test.go:30: 2023-04-06 19:08:04.853005101 +0000 UTC this is message 2
    redisConn_test.go:30: 2023-04-06 19:08:04.852840703 +0000 UTC this is message 1
    redisConn_test.go:30: 2023-04-06 19:08:04.852521805 +0000 UTC this is message 0
=== RUN   Test/Test_log_common
    redisConn_test.go:37: Let's write some items to the common log
    redisConn_test.go:44: The current number of common messages is: 5
    redisConn_test.go:45: Those common messages are:
    redisConn_test.go:47: {109 message-5}
    redisConn_test.go:47: {80 message-4}
    redisConn_test.go:47: {65 message-3}
    redisConn_test.go:47: {38 message-2}
    redisConn_test.go:47: {11 message-1}
=== RUN   Test/Test_counters
    redisConn_test.go:54: Let's update some counters for now and a little in the future
    redisConn_test.go:60: We have some per-second counters: 10
    redisConn_test.go:63: We have some per-5-second counters: 3
    redisConn_test.go:64: These counters include:
    redisConn_test.go:70: [1680808080 3]
    redisConn_test.go:70: [1680808085 13]
    redisConn_test.go:70: [1680808090 10]
    redisConn_test.go:75: Let's clean out some counters by setting our sample count to 0
    redisConn_test.go:81: Did we clean out all of the counters? 0
=== RUN   Test/Test_stats
    redisConn_test.go:87: Let's add some data for our statistics!
    redisConn_test.go:92: We have some aggregate statistics: [zincrby stats:temp:example 1 count: 44 zincrby stats:temp:example 13 sum: 447 zincrby stats:temp:example 169 sumq: 4663]
    redisConn_test.go:94: Which we can also fetch manually:
    redisConn_test.go:96: stddev 1.6836171168631278
    redisConn_test.go:96: min 8
    redisConn_test.go:96: max 13
    redisConn_test.go:96: count 44
    redisConn_test.go:96: sum 447
    redisConn_test.go:96: sumq 4663
    redisConn_test.go:96: average 10.159090909090908
=== RUN   Test/Test_access_time
    redisConn_test.go:103: Let's calculate some access times...
    redisConn_test.go:109: The slowest access times are:
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-8
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-7
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-3
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-9
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-6
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-4
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-0
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-5
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-2
    redisConn_test.go:112: req-1
=== RUN   Test/Test_is_under_maintenance
    redisConn_test.go:119: Are we under maintenance (we shouldn't be)? false
    redisConn_test.go:121: We cached this, so it should be the same: false
    redisConn_test.go:123: But after a sleep, it should change: true
    redisConn_test.go:124: Cleaning up...
    redisConn_test.go:127: Should be False again: false
=== RUN   Test/Test_ip_lookup
    redisConn_test.go:132: Importing IP addresses to Redis... (this may take a while)
2023/04/06 19:08:19 open file fault, filename: ../Chapter05/GeoLite2-City-CSV_20200121/GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv, err: open ../Chapter05/GeoLite2-City-CSV_20200121/GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv: no such file or directory
FAIL    command-line-arguments  14.208s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter06/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
=== RUN   Test/Test_add_update_contact
    redisConn_test.go:24: Let's add a few contacts...
    redisConn_test.go:28: Current recently contacted contacts
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-3-9
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-2-8
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-2-7
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-2-6
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-1-5
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-1-4
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-1-3
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-0-2
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-0-1
    redisConn_test.go:31: contact-0-0
    redisConn_test.go:35: Let's pull one of the older ones up to the front
    redisConn_test.go:38: New top-3 contacts:
    redisConn_test.go:40: contact-1-4
    redisConn_test.go:40: contact-3-9
    redisConn_test.go:40: contact-2-8
    redisConn_test.go:44: Let's remove a contact...
    redisConn_test.go:47: New contacts:
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-1-4
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-3-9
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-2-8
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-2-7
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-1-5
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-1-3
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-0-2
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-0-1
    redisConn_test.go:49: contact-0-0
    redisConn_test.go:53: And let's finally autocomplete on 
=== RUN   Test/Test_address_book_autocomplete
    redisConn_test.go:69: the start/end range of 'abc' is:
    redisConn_test.go:71: abb{ abc{
    redisConn_test.go:73: Let's add a few people to the guild
    redisConn_test.go:77: now let's try to find users with names starting with 'je':
    redisConn_test.go:79: [jeff jennifer jenny]
=== RUN   Test/Test_list_item
    redisConn_test.go:84: We need to set up just enough state so that a user can list an item
    redisConn_test.go:89: The user's inventory has: [itemX]
    redisConn_test.go:92: Listing the item...
    redisConn_test.go:94: Listing the item succeeded? true
    redisConn_test.go:97: The market contains: [{10 itemX.seller}]
    redisConn_test.go:98: The inventory:  
=== RUN   Test/Test_purchase_item_with_lock
    redisConn_test.go:107: We need to set up just enough state so a user can buy an item
    redisConn_test.go:112: The user has some money: map[funds:125]
    redisConn_test.go:116: Purchasing an item succeeded? true
    redisConn_test.go:120: buyer's money is now: map[funds:115]
    redisConn_test.go:127: seller's money is now: map[funds:10]
    redisConn_test.go:134: Their inventory is now: [itemX]
=== RUN   Test/Test_distributed_locking
    redisConn_test.go:141: Getting an initial lock...
    redisConn_test.go:143: Got it!
    redisConn_test.go:144: Trying to get it again without releasing the first one...
    redisConn_test.go:146: Failed to get it!
    redisConn_test.go:147: Waiting for the lock to timeout...
    redisConn_test.go:149: Getting the lock again...
    redisConn_test.go:152: Got it!
    redisConn_test.go:153: Releasing the lock...
    redisConn_test.go:155: Released it...
    redisConn_test.go:156: Acquiring it again...
    redisConn_test.go:158: Got it!
=== RUN   Test/Test_counting_semaphore
    redisConn_test.go:163: Getting 3 initial semaphores with a limit of 3...
    redisConn_test.go:167: Done!
    redisConn_test.go:168: Getting one more that should fail...
    redisConn_test.go:170: Couldn't get it!
    redisConn_test.go:171: Lets's wait for some of them to time out
    redisConn_test.go:173: Can we get one?
    redisConn_test.go:176: Got one!
    redisConn_test.go:177: Let's release it...
    redisConn_test.go:179: Released!
    redisConn_test.go:180: And let's make sure we can get 3 more!
    redisConn_test.go:184: We got them!
=== RUN   Test/Test_delayed_tasks
    redisConn_test.go:189: Let's start some regular and delayed tasks...
    redisConn_test.go:194: How many non-delayed tasks are there (should be 2)? 2
    redisConn_test.go:196: Let's start up a thread to bring those delayed tasks back...
    redisConn_test.go:199: Started.
    redisConn_test.go:200: Let's wait for those tasks to be prepared...
    redisConn_test.go:205: Waiting is over, how many tasks do we have (should be 4)? 4
=== RUN   Test/Test_multi_recipient_messaging
    redisConn_test.go:211: Let's create a new chat session with some recipients...
    redisConn_test.go:213: Now let's send a few messages...
    redisConn_test.go:217: And let's get the messages that are waiting for jeff and jenny...
    redisConn_test.go:220: They are the same? true
    redisConn_test.go:222: Those messages are: [{1 [{1 1680808110 joe message 1} {2 1680808110 joe message 2} {3 1680808110 joe message 3} {4 1680808110 joe message 4}]}]
=== RUN   Test/Test_file_distribution
    redisConn_test.go:232: Creating some temporary 'log' files...
    redisConn_test.go:242: Done.
    redisConn_test.go:244: Starting up a thread to copy logs to redis...
    redisConn_test.go:251: Let's pause to let some logs get copied to Redis...
    redisConn_test.go:254: Okay, the logs should be ready. Let's process them!
    redisConn_test.go:268: Files should have 1, 10000, and 100000 lines
Finished with a file 0, linecount: 1
Finished with a file 1, linecount: 10000
Finished with a file 2, linecount: 100000
    redisConn_test.go:272: Let's wait for the copy thread to finish cleaning up...
    redisConn_test.go:273: Done Cleaning out Redis!
--- PASS: Test (5.41s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_add_update_contact (0.01s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_address_book_autocomplete (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_list_item (0.01s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_purchase_item_with_lock (0.01s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_distributed_locking (1.01s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_counting_semaphore (2.01s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_delayed_tasks (2.01s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_multi_recipient_messaging (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_file_distribution (0.35s)
ok      command-line-arguments  5.413s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter07/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
=== RUN   Test/Test_index_document
    redisConn_test.go:20: We're tokenizing some content...
    redisConn_test.go:22: Those tokens are: [random content look indexed]
    redisConn_test.go:25: And now we are indexing that content...
=== RUN   Test/Test_set_operations
=== RUN   Test/Test_parse_query
=== RUN   Test/Test_parse_and_search
    redisConn_test.go:68: And now we are testing search...
    redisConn_test.go:86: Which passed!
=== RUN   Test/Test_search_with_sort
    redisConn_test.go:91: And now let's test searching with sorting...
    redisConn_test.go:103: Which passed!
=== RUN   Test/Test_search_with_zsort
    redisConn_test.go:108: And now let's test searching with sorting via zset...
    redisConn_test.go:124: Which passed!
=== RUN   Test/Test_string_to_score
=== RUN   Test/Test_index_and_Target_ads
=== RUN   Test/Test_is_qualified_for_job
=== RUN   Test/Test_index_and_find_jobs
=== RUN   Test/Test_index_and_find_jobs_levels
    redisConn_test.go:217: now testing find jobs with levels ...
    redisConn_test.go:234: which passed
=== RUN   Test/Test_index_and_find_jobs_years
    redisConn_test.go:239: now testing find jobs with years ...
    redisConn_test.go:256: which passed
--- PASS: Test (0.12s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_index_document (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_set_operations (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_parse_query (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_parse_and_search (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_search_with_sort (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_search_with_zsort (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_string_to_score (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_index_and_Target_ads (0.10s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_is_qualified_for_job (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_index_and_find_jobs (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_index_and_find_jobs_levels (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_index_and_find_jobs_years (0.00s)
ok      command-line-arguments  0.126s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $ docker exec -it redis-in-action-golang go test ./Chapter08/redisConn_test.go -v
=== RUN   Test
=== RUN   Test/Test_create_user_and_status
=== RUN   Test/Test_follow_and_unfollow_user
=== RUN   Test/Test_syndicate_status
=== RUN   Test/Test_refill_timeline
--- PASS: Test (0.84s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_create_user_and_status (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_follow_and_unfollow_user (0.00s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_syndicate_status (0.21s)
    --- PASS: Test/Test_refill_timeline (0.62s)
ok      command-line-arguments  0.843s
@rilma ➜ /workspaces/redis-in-action/golang (master) $