josiahcarlson / parse-crontab

Parse and use crontab schedules in Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please use a PEP-386/PEP-440 compatible version number

mgedmin opened this issue · comments

The Python packaging world is moving towards normalized version numbers described in PEP 386 (the currently accepted standard) and PEP 440 (new draft intended to replace PEP 386).

Please use a version number like 0.17 instead of just .17 for the next release, to be compatible with the PEPs.

(Personally, I prefer changing the version number in to '0.17.dev0' right after I release 0.16, and then change it to '0.17' just before I release it, so that a random checkout could not be confused with a released version).

Sorry to be getting back to you so late, but I just pushed a version to fix this.