joshzamor / radio

Links and general dumping ground

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Currated Links, a work in progress


Digital - Packet

Packet transmissions generally require a transciver (or just resceiver if skipping sending), a computer, a Terminal Node Controller (TNC) for converting to/from serial for the computer and analog for the transciever. More recently software and faster computers have made it possible to replace the TNC with an adequate sound card and the right software, saving on the cost/bulk of the TNC and associated cabling. Software TNC running on a Raspberry Pi appears to be a good fit.

  • Ubiquiti: Company selling WiFI (not ham radio) equipment for long range links and mesh networking.
  • HamWan: Pugent Sound Data Ring
  • aprs: Packet network for reporting position and small messages
  • TNC-x: TNC in a box and for RaspberryPi


Digital data streaming from satelites.


  • ARRL: US org Amateur Radio Relay League
  • RACES: US emergency civil radio group


  • OpenWebRX: Open source web spectrum analysis
  • RTL-SDR: Software Defined Radio (SDR)
  • WebSDR: Web-based SDR broadcasts


  • CHIRP: Open source software for programming. (frequencys and the like by location) radios.
  • Dire Wolf Software "soundcard" modem/TNC for AX.25 encoding/decoding. Popular software to use in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi, soundcard, and radio for a software based TNC setup. Example for that rig included.
  • GNURadio: SDK (Software Development Kit) for SDR.

Protocols & Formats

  • AX.25: Wiki entry on the AX.25 protocol at the heart of many packet radio communications.
  • Codec 2: Codec for quality voice audio over low baud.


Cheap radios which people have made work for cheap packet communications.


Links and general dumping ground