JoshuaSBrown / JH-Kubernetes-vagrant

Vagrantbox for setting up a cluster, to run a jupyterhub server and a kubernetes cluster where jupyterhub can spawn notebooks on the kubernetes cluster.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

General Layout and Overview

This vagrantbox is designed to create a cluster of a master server with at most 4 minions. The ip addresses asssociated with each are shown below: - master - minion1 - minion2 - minion3 - minion4

The master node will act as a kubernetes server and will have the following services running on it:

  1. etcd
  2. kube-apiserver
  3. kube-controller-manager
  4. kube-scheduler
  5. kube-proxy
  6. kubelet
  7. flanneld
  8. docker

Each minion will have the following services running:

  1. kube-proxy
  2. kubelet
  3. flanneld
  4. docker

Service Descriptions

A brief descritption of what each service is doing is now provided.


This is the backbone of kubernetes it uses the raft protocol which is ideal for distributed computing. It ensures that the machines reach a consensus on the state of cluster as a whole. It allows the system to maintain stability even when a minority of the nodes fail. It is used within the kubernetes framework as a backing store. Basically all the cluser data is stored with etcd.


This service exposes the kubernetes api. It is the front-end or means by which user interacts with the kubernetes package. It scales by deploying more instances (scales horizontally).


This service runs controllers; they are the baground threads that handle routine tasks in the cluster. Each controller is a seperate process but they are all compiled in a single binary for simplicity. The controllers include:

  • Node Controller - Responsible for noticing and responding when nodes crash.

  • Replication Controller - Responsible for maintaining the correct number of pods for every replication controller object in the system.

  • Endpoints Controller - Populates the Endpoints object (That is joins services and pods)

  • Service Account & Token Controllers - Create default accounts and API access tokens for new namespaces.


This service watches newly created pods that have no node assigned, and selects a node for them to run on.


Flannel runs a small, single binary agent called flanneld on each host, and is responsible for allocating a subnet lease to each host out of a larger, preconfigured address space. Flannel uses either the Kubernetes API or etcd directly to store the network configuration, the allocated subnets, and any auxiliary data (such as the host's public IP). Packets are forwarded using one of several backend mechanisms including VXLAN and various cloud integrations.

Every instance of flannel is designed to communicate with etcd on located on the master node and listening at port 2379

For more information refer to:

Access to juypter notebooks is provided through port 8888 make sure you use https and not http to access the notebook. This is when you actually start a notebook server

Currently jupyterhub is configured through port 8000. So when the jupyterhub server is running you can access it through port 8000.


Vagrantbox for setting up a cluster, to run a jupyterhub server and a kubernetes cluster where jupyterhub can spawn notebooks on the kubernetes cluster.


Language:Python 97.0%Language:Shell 3.0%