joshnuss / svelte-persisted-store

A Svelte store that persists to localStorage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

persistency does not work with Sets

ptrtht opened this issue · comments

First of all mate, thanks for the work and for contributing to open source.

Secondly here is the issue


export const somePersisted = persisted<{
  num: number;
  someArr: Array<string>;
  someSet: Set<string>;
}>('somePersisted', {
  num: 1,
  someArr: [],
  someSet: new Set(),

Now if I were to update these values:

num: 2,
someArr: [1,2],
someSet: new Set(1,2,3),

The set values, and only the set values do not get placed into local storage.

This is due to the fact that you JSON serialise the data?

Add to documentation that the package only works for JSON serialisable types.

Hi @qty0,

You are correct, it's because Set is not serializable with JSON.

The solution is to use devalue as the serializer, as it supports Set. There's a small example in the readme.