joshmedeski / t-smart-tmux-session-manager

t - the smart tmux session manager

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Starting t from inside a Tmux Session locks the pane

Msouza91 opened this issue · comments

I just installed the extension in an attempt at a better workflow outside vim in which I am currently using tmux-sessionizer, I have the binaries on path, but when it tries to start fzf-tmux it is locking up, I am assuming that it is when it gets to that part because it was not finiding that tool before because I had a minimal install of fzf, so I updated with the git install script using --all and when I tried to open the pop-up from inside a session the pane crashes with no input to shell. I can open a new pane and kill the previous one, but got me tripped up.

Sorry for the recording format, I got to figure out how to select the screen for the ffmpeg recording yet. But you should be able to see the issue.


I've seen this before, it's usually a bad FZF_TMUX_OPTS value. Can you make sure you're using the latest version of fzf and if you set that variable what is the value?

I am on fzf 0.45.0 and just had a vanilla install, I only set FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS with a colorscheme. Will try to set the defaults from README and check if it changes anything.

It didn't solve the issue, but noticed now recording a new test showing the variable output that I set on my profile for testing, when I start t, the tmux pane name changes to bash although I'm using zsh I wonder why and would hazard a guess that there is some shenanigans happening there.


The most common issue I've seen is the prerequisites are mismatched. Please make sure you have the right versions of everything.

Sometimes the dependencies built-in to your machine are old.

This is a good point, but I don't think it applies to my case tho, I updated fzf for testing, but I was on 0.41 when I first installed, bumped to 0.45 just to be on latest in case it would change anything.

Just to sanity check, is any of this Mac Specific? I don't think it should matter since these are all shell tools running on top of more or less the same base "zsh".
I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 with AwesomeWm and Kitty as my terminal emulator.

Here are the versions of the dependencies and a directory listing of my plugins folder for reference.

This script uses bash, not zsh. So perhaps update bash to a newer version?

Also, can you try connecting to a session directly with t {name}? I'd like to know if it's just fzf failing or something else.

Connecting to a session outside tmux works fine, just noticed that the fzf replacement for ^-R also is locking the pane, so probably fzf related, sorry for taking your time, will try to open an issue there and see what comes of it.
I'll close this one for now and will update with my solution (hopefuly) for someone that might face the same problem.

Seems like there is an issue with 3.2a on Ubuntu 22.04 repos and FZF, I compiled 3.4 from source and the popup worked as expected! People on 23.04 should be fine I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️
Edit: 3.3a is a stable tag on the repo as well and also solved the problem for me, so yeah, just sucks having to compile from source to fix this, but if you are not afraid of figuring out dependencies it should be fine.

I'm currently working on a rewrite in GoLang! Check it out here

It's getting pretty close to be ready for use, it will be much easier to work with and you'll be able to customize fzf to your needs