joshhartigan / semicircle

180 Days of Programming // Smaller Programs

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

contribution 1 - - Beginnings of learning C++ from Accelerated C++

contribution 2 - fibonacci.c - An annotated C program for calculating fibonacci sequences.

contribution 3 - vowels.js - Basic 'string searching' in JavaScript - checking for vowels in a string.

contribution 4 - conjecture.hs - Collatz numbers / sequence calculator in Haskell

contribution 5 - bubble.go - An annotated program with a bubble sort function and main function to call the sort on a list.

contribution 6 - euler.go - Project Euler's problems 1 and 6, in go.

contribution 7 - - Multiple functions for lists with Python. The shortest program yet ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

contribution 8 - piglatin.js - Words => Pig Latin Translator, rittenway inay avascriptjay.

contribution 9 - polishNotation.go - solve() function for evaluating calculations in polish notation.

contribution 10 - - An incredibly lightweight, kind of buggy, markdown implementation in python.


contribution 11 - - Caesar Cipher

contribution 12 - fizzBuzz.pas - My first ever program in Pascal -- fizzbuzz.

contribution 13 - - Getting two integers from input and adding them together in brainf***

contribution 14 - wordGuess.hs - A guessing game in Haskell. It doesn't work yet ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ, I'll try and fix it.

contribution 15 - intrst - Not a small program, but a website. In its own repository

contribution 16 - - Calculating the most frequent integer in an array. Also see my writing on it.

contribution 17 - - A random, graphical generator. Uses the pygame library (sudo apt-get install python-pygame)

contribution 18 - collatz.pas - My second collatz conjecture, in pascal. I didn't have any ideas.

contribution 19 -,, and - these make up a very simple platformer.

contribution 20 - - Implement a rand7() function (random number from 1 -> 7), by using a rand5() function. There will be a writeup of this program.


contribution 21 - palindrome/* - programs in multiple languages to return whether or not a string is a palindrome.

contribution 22 - anagram.clj - An anagram-checker, beginning to familiarise myself with clojure's syntax.

contribution 23 - - Redesign and beginnings of content overhaul. Also, a script for converting bulk markdown to HTML.

contribution 24 - An Introduction to Python on my site. Contains 3 very small programs - the focus is on the writing.

contribution 25 - neominim/* - Beginnings of a parser for a 'sequel' to my minimalist programming language, minim.

contribution 26 - eva.clj - Mathematical Expression Evaluation, in Clojure.

contribution 27 - pythagoras.go - Multiple functions written in Go that take advantage of Pythagoras's theorem.

contribution 28 - - A function that takes in a number as an argument, and returns the next prime number.

contribution 29 - myTake.hs - An reimplementation of Haskell's take function.

contribution 30 - monkey.go - Command line, file input, polish notation, calculator. Put instructions in a text file and run ./monkey myFile.txt. Results are printed. To build, go build monkey.go


contribution 31 - - An obfuscated, complicated way of printing integers. Take up the challenge of figuring out how it works! ๐Ÿ˜‰

contribution 32 - monkey.go - The beginning of an implementation of variable manipulation and storage.

contribution 33 - monkey.go - Full variable implementation, major cleanup, and documentation.

contribution 34 - monkey.go - Full implementation of multiple parameters. Also, semicolons are needed for non-assignment expressions. I will take a break from monkey now.

contribution 35 - sdl/* - A Graphical program, using libSDL, in C++. My first graphical program not in Java or Python.

contribution 36 - - Given x number of seconds, this program will show how many hours and minutes (and remainder seconds) are in x.

contribution 37 - - Finds the shortest non-diagonal path between two points in a matrix.

contribution 38 - - Implementation of diagonal paths.

contribution 39 - monkey.go - Cleanup, fixing of variable usage, better function naming.

contribution 40 - - Classic text-based pyramid drawing program.


contribution 41 - - Simple command line interface for reddit.

contribution 42 - web/* - Beginnings of a website redesign.

contribution 43 - - Solutions to various challenges from, in Python.

contribution 44 - - Two more challenges, very small as I had little time. It's not like anyone reads this anyway.

contribution 45 - Beginnings of an article on my website about the stack and the heap.

contribution 46 - - Random icon / avatar generator.

contribution 47 - - A task set in the karan/projects repository.

contribution 48 - quick_sort.r - The quick sort algorithm, implemented in R - a statistical programming language.

contribution 49 - haxe/* - A look at Haxe, a language that compiles down to lots of other languages (in this instance, JavaScript)

contribution 50 - - Convert python with braces and semicolons into normal python.


contribution 51 - search/* - A search box for my GitHub repositories. Mostly working, but not 100%.

contribution 52 - - A port of some of the pleasant code into CoffeeScript.

contribution 53 - greeter.rb - A really, really simple Ruby program with a class, object instantiation, and method definitions / calls.

contribution 54 - nextPrime.rb - A rewrite of in Ruby.

contribution 55 - palindrome/ and palindrome/ruby.rb - More simple palindrome programs.

contribution 56 - binary-tree.js - A binary tree implementation in JavaScript.

contribution 57 - HelloScala.scala - A small look at the scala programming language

contribution 58 - - Compiles, runs, and removes C++ executables. Like a mask that disguises the compiler as an interpreter.

contribution 59 - nextPrime.hs - Another next-prime program, done with functional programming. Shockingly short compared to the other next prime programs.

contribution 60 - - A ridiculous, verbose, and obfuscated FizzBuzz in python. Read the comments inside the file to understand.


contribution 61 - HelloScala.scala - Added features to the Scala 'sandbox' file.

contribution 62 - bit-count.c - Count the number of 1 bits in the binary form of a number.

contribution 63 - - Extract elements from a vector.

contribution 64 - - Learning about generic functions / function templating in C++.

contribution 65 - connections.html - Drawing connections between points and the cursor. Via <canvas> and JavaScript.

contribution 66 - snow.html - A crazy, wintery (even though the background is orangered) web experiment.

contribution 67 - mann.vim - not actually a program - a small vim color scheme

contribution 68 - - 'Sort' an array by creating a duplicate ordered array.

contribution 69 - is-sudo.c - I learnt how to detect root privileges, and implemented it in C.

contribution 70 - dictionary.js - Minimal implementation of a hashtable / dictionary in JavaScript.


contribution 71 - c-euler-1.c - The first problem in C.

contribution 72 - c-euler-2.c - The second problem in C.

contribution 73 - c-euler-3.c - The third problem in C.

contribution 74 - three-d.html- A first exercise with Three.js

contribution 75 - three-d.html - Added a sphere to follow the mouse dynamically.

contribution 76 - rg.rb - Beginning to learn Gosu for Ruby. A movable square.

contribution 77 - HelloScala.scala - An update with some more features of the Scala language

contribution 78 - serve.js - A simple Node program to host an html file on a server.

contribution 79 - - Experimental manipulation of hex code colors. Requires pygame (pip install pygame)

contribution 80 - - A first look at the Rust language.


contribution 81 - rg.rb - Enabling edge-collision in the 'square-moving' game.

contribution 82 - github-snazzy.css - A stylesheet for GitHub that adds certain fancy effects.

contribution 83 - - Optimisation of a program I wrote for this repository about 8 months ago.

contribution 84 - google-snazzy.css - A stylesheet for Google that adds certain classy looks.

contribution 85 - fabulous.c - Colourful curses program.

contribution 86 - getenv.c - A C program that can read environment variables.

contribution 87 - more-clojure.clj - A program with a self-descriptive title.

contribution 88 - zx.clj - A graphical clojure program.

contribution 89 - zx.clj - Centering the square in the window.

contribution 90 - - Print all elements of lists including the elements of nested lists.


contribution 91 - self-raise/* - A function that raises each element of an array to itself, in multiple languages.

contribution 92 - - A graphical experiment.

contribution 93 - noughts-and-crosses.rb - Self explanatory. WIP.

contribution 94 - self-raise/clojure.clj - A tiny bug fix.

contribution 95 - - A grade-calculation program in C++.

contribution 96 - midpoint.c - Self explanatory.

contribution 97 - midpoint.c - Now uses a point struct - more readable than an array.

contribution 98 - structs.c - A C program that I wrote to learn the basics of structures (and the typedef keyword) in the C programming language.

contribution 99 - times_two.c - This C program simply uses pointers to double a variable. I actually now understand pointers a lot better.

contribution 100 - upto.c - Some C Pre-processor magic, that results in easier (and shorter) for loops.


contribution 101 - upto.c - An improved upto macro for shorter for loops.

contribution 102 - sdl/blue_rectangle.c - An SDL2 program that draws a blue rectangle.

contribution 103 - structs.c - The addition of a function that changes values in a struct.

contribution 104 - gui-test.go - A GUI program in go.

contribution 105 - - Print the sum of all command-line arguments.

contribution 106 - try-sml.sml - A first look at the Standard ML language.

contribution 107 - lines.c - ASCII Line-drawing with Bresenham's Line algorithm

contribution 108 - reverse.c - Reverse the string given by the user.

contribution 109 - fabulous.c - Animation effect for the coloured text.

contribution 110 - game.c - The beginnings of a (much simpler) dwarf fortress clone with curses.h.


contribution 111 - game.c - An inventory, choppable trees, a status bar, an inventory.

contribution 112 - lines-graphical.c - Give this program coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) as arguments and it will draw the line in a window.


180 Days of Programming // Smaller Programs

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:C 20.2%Language:Python 16.6%Language:C++ 14.2%Language:Java 7.5%Language:Go 7.3%Language:HTML 7.1%Language:JavaScript 5.4%Language:Clojure 3.7%Language:Haskell 3.0%Language:Ruby 2.7%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:Rust 2.2%Language:Scala 1.8%Language:Standard ML 1.8%Language:Pascal 1.7%Language:CoffeeScript 0.8%Language:Vim Script 0.6%Language:Brainfuck 0.4%Language:R 0.2%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Haxe 0.2%