joshdholtz / SweetTooth-Android-BLE

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simplistic, sugarcoated, Android BLE Wrapper

Let's Get Down To Business

  1. Initialize SweetToothManager with Application (to get context)
  2. Add SweetToothListener to SweetToothManager
    • This listener will get notified of discovered devices
  3. Start scanning
    • You know, it starts scanning for devices
	// Init instance and add listener
	SweetToothManager.getInstance().addListener(new SweetToothListener() {

		public void onDiscoveredDevice(BluetoothDevice arg0, int arg1, byte[] arg2) {
			Log.d("SweetTooth", "We got device - " + arg0.getName());

		public void onScanningIntervalStateChange(boolean arg0) {

		public void onScanningStateChange(boolean arg0) {

	// Starts scanning - this should probably start on a button press

Scans on interval - a little bit of hacks

Not sure if needed yet

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements SweetToothListener {

	// Starts scanning on an interval - turns on scan for 5 seconds, turns off scanning for 0.5 seconds
	// This is used (in this case) since Android as no way to turn on multiple discoveries of an advertising device
	SweetToothManager.getInstance().startOnInterval(5000, 500);

WTF is with the scanRecord?

The scan record contains advertisement data but the simple byte array does not provide easy access to the information.

BLEAdvertisementData class parses the scanRecord and provides helpers for getting all of the data out. If the helpers aren't enough, the BLEAdvertisementData class extends HashMap<String, String[] array> so you can grab any data you want out of it.

	public void discoveredDevice(BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) {
		BLEAdvertisementData blueTipzData = BLEAdvertisementData.parseAdvertisementData(scanRecord);
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "Flags - " + blueTipzData.getFlags() );
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "16 bit UUIDS - " + Arrays.toString( blueTipzData.get16BitServiceUUIDs() ) );
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "More 16 bit UUIDS - " + Arrays.toString( blueTipzData.getMore16BitServiceUUIDs() ) );
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "32 bit UUIDS - " + Arrays.toString( blueTipzData.get32BitServiceUUIDs() ) );
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "More 32 bit UUIDS - " + Arrays.toString( blueTipzData.getMore32BitServiceUUIDs() ) );
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "128 bit UUIDS - " + Arrays.toString( blueTipzData.get128BitServiceUUIDs() ) );
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "More 128 bit UUIDS - " + Arrays.toString( blueTipzData.getMore128BitServiceUUIDs() ) );

		Log.d("SweetTooth", "Local name complete - " + blueTipzData.getLocalNameComplete() );
		Log.d("SweetTooth", "Local name shortened - " + blueTipzData.getLocalNameShortened() );



Language:Java 100.0%