joshdholtz / jsonapi-ios

A library for loading data from a JSON API datasource.

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Parser crash if resource descriptor not defined

BenjaminDigeon opened this issue · comments

When a ressource descriptor is not defined the JSONAPIResourceParser crash

The problem is in JSONAPIResourceParser.m on the branch json-api-v1.0-final

+ (id <JSONAPIResource>)parseResource:(NSDictionary*)dictionary {
    NSString *type = dictionary[@"type"] ?: @"";
    JSONAPIResourceDescriptor *descriptor = [JSONAPIResourceDescriptor forLinkedType:type];

    NSObject <JSONAPIResource> *resource = [[descriptor resourceClass] alloc];
    [self set:resource withDictionary:dictionary];

    return resource;

If an JSONAPIResourceDescriptor is not defined by for the ressource then parseResource return nil

And adding nil to an NSMutableArray

+ (NSArray*)parseResources:(NSArray*)array {

    NSMutableArray *mutableArray = @[].mutableCopy;
    for (NSDictionary *dictionary in array) {
        [mutableArray addObject:[self parseResource:dictionary]];

    return mutableArray;

Give a nice

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'

If a ressource descriptor is not defined for a ressource it should be ignored not crashing the app.