josephrocca / XMLHttpRequest-deno

A polyfill of XMLHttpRequest for Deno (and other browser and browser-like environments) by browserifying @driverdan/node-XMLHttpRequest

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Documentation on the "disable-fetch" option?

ian-cavnar-g2w opened this issue · comments


I am trying to find a way to send a request to a server that doesn't support TLS 2, so Deno's built-in fetch can't interact with that server.

I found your package, and in looking at the code for ClientRequest, it seems that there is a way to disable the use of Deno's built-in fetch. I can't figure out how to pass that option into the XMLHttpRequest object, though.

Can you please explain how I can tell the XMLHttpRequest object to send the request as an old-school JS XHR request instead of using Deno's fetch?

Thank you very much for your time and effort on this project,