josephg / ShareJS

Collaborative editing in any app

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Version Mismatch

niftylettuce opened this issue · comments

I'm following the 0.7.x documentation and I tried to plug in my own DB with credentials as follows:

// ...

var url = ''

var mongoskin = require('mongoskin')
var mongoSkin = mongoskin.db(url, {
  username: 'some-user',
  password: 'some-password',
  safe: true

var db = new livedbMongo(mongoSkin)

var backend = livedb.client(db)

// ...

However in the console I get Version Mismatch errors and nothing happens.

Any idea why? @josephg @nornagon @devongovett

Thanks many,

Resolved by wiping my redis DB:


@niftylettuce, where did you find the "0.7.x documentation"?

@thapar I basically just looked at how he built the prototype in the prototype folder of this master repo. Then I looked through the source code to figure out the API for it. Here is incomplete wiki though

Thanks, just checking.

Is this a placeholder error for an invalid backend option in share.server.createClient()?

(Reference: share/sharedb#20)