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Doc._tryRollback, as indicated in code comments, is not working

hughlomas opened this issue · comments

I can't help but notice the comment

Doc.prototype._tryRollback = function(opData) {
  // This is probably horribly broken.

and it appears to be the case. I'm using derbyjs and have the server reject a change, however the client does not rollback the rejected change. In the Doc._tryRollback function this block is executed:

 } else if (opData.op && opData.type.invert) {
    var undo = opData.type.invert(opData.op);

    // Transform the undo operation by any pending ops.
    for (var i = 0; i < this.pendingData.length; i++) {
      xf(this.pendingData[i], undo);

    // ... and apply it locally, reverting the changes.
    // This operation is applied to look like it comes from a remote context.
    // I'm still not 100% sure about this functionality, because its really a
    // local op. Basically, the problem is that if the client's op is rejected
    // by the server, the editor window should update to reflect the undo.
    this._otApply(undo, false);
    this._afterOtApply(undo, false);

Where undo becomes an array equal to

    p: ["name", 5 ]
  , length: 2
  , sd: "z"


    od: "John"
  , oi: "Adam"
  , p: ["name"]

Doc._otApply is passed this undo value. The function is as follows

Doc.prototype._otApply = function(opData, context) {
  // Lock the document. Nobody is allowed to call submitOp() until _afterOtApply is called.
  this.locked = true;

  if (opData.create) {
    // If the type is currently set, it means we tried creating the document
    // and someone else won. client create x server create = server create.
    var create = opData.create;
    this.snapshot = this.type.create(;

    // This is a bit heavyweight, but I want the created event to fire outside of the lock.
    this.once('unlock', function() {
      this.emit('create', context);
  } else if (opData.del) {
    // The type should always exist in this case. del x _ = del
    var oldSnapshot = this.snapshot;
    this.once('unlock', function() {
      this.emit('del', context, oldSnapshot);
  } else if (opData.op) {
    if (!this.type) throw new Error('Document does not exist');

    var type = this.type;

    var op = opData.op;

    // The context needs to be told we're about to edit, just in case it needs
    // to store any extra data. (text-tp2 has this constraint.)
    for (var i = 0; i < this.editingContexts.length; i++) {
      var c = this.editingContexts[i];
      if (c != context && c._beforeOp) c._beforeOp(opData.op);

    this.emit('before op', op, context);

    // This exists so clients can pull any necessary data out of the snapshot
    // before it gets changed.  Previously we kept the old snapshot object and
    // passed it to the op event handler. However, apply no longer guarantees
    // the old object is still valid.
    // Because this could be totally unnecessary work, its behind a flag. set
    // doc.incremental to enable.
    if (this.incremental && type.incrementalApply) {
      var _this = this;
      type.incrementalApply(this.snapshot, op, function(o, snapshot) {
        _this.snapshot = snapshot;
        _this.emit('op', o, context);
    } else {
      // This is the most common case, simply applying the operation to the local snapshot.
      this.snapshot = type.apply(this.snapshot, op);
      this.emit('op', op, context);
  // Its possible for none of the above cases to match, in which case the op is
  // a no-op. This will happen when a document has been deleted locally and
  // remote ops edit the document.

Notably the undo is an array of length 1, not an object, and therefore does not ever have a create, del, or op property, so this entire block will always be a no-op, as indicated in the comments at the end.

The ability to reject changes on the server and have the client rollback the invalid changes is strongly desired.

Indeed. In this case, it should be an easy fix. We should pass {op:undo} to _otApply and _afterOtApply instead of just the array. Submit a pull request.


} else if (opData.op && opData.type.invert) {
    var undo = opData.type.invert(opData.op);

    // Transform the undo operation by any pending ops.
    for (var i = 0; i < this.pendingData.length; i++) {
      xf(this.pendingData[i], undo);

    // ... and apply it locally, reverting the changes.
    // This operation is applied to look like it comes from a remote context.
    // I'm still not 100% sure about this functionality, because its really a
    // local op. Basically, the problem is that if the client's op is rejected
    // by the server, the editor window should update to reflect the undo.
    this._otApply(undo, false);
    this._afterOtApply(undo, false);


} else if (opData.op && opData.type.invert) {
    opData.op = opData.type.invert(opData.op);

    // Transform the undo operation by any pending ops.
    for (var i = 0; i < this.pendingData.length; i++) {
      xf(this.pendingData[i], opData );

    // ... and apply it locally, reverting the changes.
    // This operation is applied to look like it comes from a remote context.
    // I'm still not 100% sure about this functionality, because its really a
    // local op. Basically, the problem is that if the client's op is rejected
    // by the server, the editor window should update to reflect the undo.
    this._otApply(opData, false);
    this._afterOtApply(opData, false);

Seems to do the trick

Ah how coincidental on the timing. Ok, I will modify it as you mentioned and submit a pull request at a later time, I have to head out now.

Yeah how you wrote it should work too. I don't think we use opData anywhere else after this function - so that should be fine.

Either way, submit a pull request!