josegonzalez / php-error-handlers

Wrappers for popular error handling services

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Usage with CakePhp and Sentry

jeremyhalin opened this issue · comments

I put this:

$isCli = PHP_SAPI === 'cli';
if ($isCli) {
    (new \Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Cake\ConsoleErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register();
} else {
    (new \Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Cake\ErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register();

But where do I put config array for Sentry ? Like this:

// Create an array of configuration data to pass to the handler class
$config = [
    'handlers' => [
        // *Can* be the class name, not-namespaced
        // The namespace will be "interpolated" in such cases
        'NewrelicHandler' => [
        // Can also include the full namespace
        'Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Handler\BugsnagHandler' => [
            'apiKey' => 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
        // Invalid handlers will be ignored
        'InvalidHandler' => [

// Register the error handler
(new \Josegonzalez\ErrorHandlers\Handler($config))->register();

You would create a SentryHandler stanza in the handlers key. The setup you pasted is an example of the various ways you can setup an exception handler.

@josegonzalez What is the best way for CakePHP + Sentry please ? Do you have an exampe ?

@josegonzalez Can you please help me ? :)

I'm closing this in favor of #20.