jorisbertomeu / DroneAPI

Parrot ARDrone2.0 API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ARDrone API 1.1.1

What's up ?

  • Static library generation
  • One folder for API, one folder for your code
  • Multi-Makefile ( .a Generation and your code compilation with static library linkage )

Next release ..

  • Dynamic library generation
  • GUI integrated
  • Informations reception
  • Video signal reception & decoding

ARDrone API 1.1

What's up ?

  • API realised and integrated
  • Code cleanup
  • Makefile built


Main contains an example code to test API with a very simple shell-like, type a letter and associated action is executed. The first function called in main must be "init_api(int argc, char **argv)" who will check system configuration and arguments and initialize variables. Then, you must call "tread_api(int cmd)" to execute an action. You may specify custom values associated to differents actions who are describes in "keymapping.h"

Next feature ..

  • Library generation

Next release ..

  • GUI integrated
  • Informations reception
  • Video signal reception & decoding

ARDrone API 1.0


This project aims to do a simple API for controlling Parrot ARDrone 2.0 in C. For the moment, simples commands are available :

Take on / off
Turn left / right
Go forward / backward
Rotate left / right
Go up / down

Here's key mapping :

Take on / off => 'k'
Turn left / right => 'q' / 'd'
Go forward / backward => 'z' / 's'
Rotate left / right => '4' / '6'
Go up / down => '8' / '5'

Compilation :

make clean
make fclean

Functionement :

  • A simple communication between drone and computere is made with UDP socket creation.
  • Messages must be sent to the drone ( ) with specific order.
  • Parallely, watchdog must be running : When first command is sent, thread start and sends sames messages each 250ms.
  • When user want send command ( pressed key ), watchdog must be stopped during sending.

Next release ..

  • GUI integrated
  • API realization


Parrot ARDrone2.0 API


Language:C 100.0%