jorgeatgu / base-rollup

πŸš€ Starter kit: rollup + d3 + postcss

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Base Rollup

A small starter kit to create data projects or static web projects from scratch.

At first, the script allows you to choose between a static or data project. The difference is that the data project has built-in d3, nothing more. Then select the name of your project folder, and you will have little scaffolding ready to work.

The starter kit is ready to work with a reduced version of d3 based on importing only the necessary modules.

How to use

Download the script, and simply run it




Getting Started

yarn install
yarn serve


Linters: eslint[ JavaScript ] & Stylelint[ CSS ]
Minifiy: teser[ JavaScript ] & CSSnano[ CSS ]
Server: Browsersync
Lint-staged: lint CSS files with Stylelint and JS files with Eslint before push to repository

Script to init

The script create a structure like this:

β”œβ”€ src/              
β”‚  β”œβ”€ css/           
β”‚  β”œβ”€ img/           
β”‚  └─ js/            
β”œβ”€ css/              
β”œβ”€ js/               
β”œβ”€ img/              
β”œβ”€ .gitignore        
β”œβ”€ .eslintrc        
β”œβ”€ .stylelintrc      
β”œβ”€ .prettierrc.json      
β”œβ”€ index.html        
β”œβ”€ rollup.config.js       
└─ package.json      


MIT Β© Jorge Aznar


πŸš€ Starter kit: rollup + d3 + postcss

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 49.9%Language:Shell 31.3%Language:HTML 15.0%Language:CSS 3.8%