joreilly / PeopleInSpace

Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear, Compose for Desktop, and Compose for Web clients along with Ktor backend.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gradle sync fails with latest stable Andriod Sudio + KMM plugin

ktchernov opened this issue · comments

AS 4.2.1 / KMM plugin v0.2.6

Clean check out of PeopleInSpace, Gradle sync fails with:

Unrecognized Android Studio (or Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA) version '202.7660.26.42.7351085', please retry with version 2020.3.1 or newer.

Android Studio Arctic Fox is minimum version required.....due to use of Jetpack Compose.

You could downgrade to AGP 4.2.1, but you will miss all IDE tooling, like the live previews.

Maybe not related but command line build fails as well:

  > Could not resolve org.jetbrains:kotlin-react-router-dom:5.1.2-pre.110-kotlin-1.4.0.
     > Could not get resource ''.
        > Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden

@NorbertSandor Bintray is dead. Please use the mavenCentral published versions of kotlin-js-wrappers.

@NorbertSandor Bintray is dead. Please use the mavenCentral published versions of kotlin-js-wrappers.

OK :)
But I was talking about this project's latest master version ;)

That was actually updated recently 5109dba

@joreilly Its is even published to mavenCentral, so you don't need the custom Space repo.
And you should use the same pre-version in all artifacts :)

Ah, great....thought I had seen issues when I omitted that repo but maybe something else not setup correctly.

fyi that a recent commit actually broke the web clients (I really need to build out better test for those!). Just pushed fix.

For any other changes folks think make sense re. versions/dependencies etc then, as always, all PRs are welcome :)