jordanwilson230 / kubectl-plugins

A Collection of Plugins for kubectl Integration (exec as any user, context switching, etc).

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kubectl ssh assumes user's GCP username

jordanwilson230 opened this issue · comments

"kubectl ssh" assumes that the local user (i.e., "ben") has the same GCP username (e.g., ben, and not Benjamin). It should allow for either an init or flag option.

I guess it's the same for me, got an exist status 255

@paullaleu the quick fix is to change the last line in the file from:

ssh -t $node_ip "docker exec -it $user $container $command" 2>/dev/null


ssh -t <YOUR_GKE_USERNAME>@$node_ip "docker exec -it $user $container $command" 2>/dev/null

That's exactly what I was doing atm :D, was about to answer you. Thanks for the tip.


In fact you need to put :
ssh -t <YOUR_GKE_USERNAME>@$node_ip "docker exec -it $user $container $command" 2>/dev/null

and then you have to put the passphrase from your rsakey, wich is not very convenient.
Does it ask for passphrase when your current user is the same as GCP ?

@paullaleu No problem :) I suspect that depends on how you created your rsa key. If you create it without a passphrase, you should not need to enter one. That is outside the scope of the plugin. If you're looking for a way around that, though, theres a couple of options...they are less secure, so it's not an endorsement :P

  • use sshpass
  • use expect (e.g., expect -c 'spawn ssh -t @$node_ip "docker exec -it -u $user $container $command 2>/dev/null" ; expect "assword:"; send "myInsecurePassword\r"; interact' )

Note that example is untested, just an example to go off of.

I was not pathing the proper key, my bad.

I'm trying to modify the plugin to add a -r argument to run a cmd directly inside the container but don't succeed,

I did modify the file and plugin.yaml file accordingly but I am missing something.

I don't really know how kubectl plugins works but I assume there is another place where I have to define the -r argument for it to be read at execution. cause right know when I echo -e my $cmd variable (using kubectl -p podnaime -r "echo toto" their is nothing in $cmd

@paullaleu. See this guide on getting started with plugins:

You'll want to add any additional arg options to the plugin.yaml file.

Please re-run the install script. It has been changed to detect/prompt for your gcloud username and apply it to the ssh process automatically.


@paullaleu Much overdue, but a change was nade to the way exec works. In short, it doesn't require any ssh commands to be run. It should fix this issue for you.