joone / loz

Loz is a command-line tool that enables your preferred LLM to execute system commands and utilize Unix pipes, integrating AI capabilities with other Unix tools.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

no output

mbautista opened this issue · comments

This is a great program, thank you very much :)

I've installed with npm on ubuntu 20.04, it works great without arguments (chat mode), but I have no output when I add an argument :

$ loz
Loz: a simple ChatGTP CLI tool
  mode: default
> bonjour, comment allez-vous ?
Bonjour ! Je suis une intelligence artificielle, donc je n'ai pas de sentiments, mais je suis prêt à vous aider. Comment puis-je vous assister aujourd'hui ?
> quit
Good bye!

$ loz "bonjour"

$ loz "quelle est la racine carrée de 9 ?"

Could anyone help me please ?
Thank you very much :)

Thanks for filing a bug. I will take a look at the issue.

can you try the new release(0.1.10)?

This bug has been resolved. Please let me know if the issue reoccurs.