joogps / SlideOverCard

A SwiftUI card view, made great for setup interactions.

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SOCManager present animation speed

wambambizzle opened this issue · comments

Version: SlideOverCard 2.0.0, Xcode 13.3
Issue: Unnaturally fast animation when displaying a card using SOCManager.present vs .slideOverCard(isPresented.

I would expect both versions to display the card at the same animation speed. The SOCManager presents the card so quickly that it feels off.

Potential Quick Fix:
Give the SOCManager the same animation speed as the slideOverCard

Potential Enhancement:
Add and option to change the speeds between slow, medium, fast, and or passing in custom animation speeds

Code snippets:

Button {
    showLogIn = true

    SOCManager.present(isPresented: $showLogIn, onDismiss: {
       // code
    }, options: [.disableDrag, .disableDragToDismiss, .hideExitButton]) {
      SomeView(isPresented: $showLogIn)
.slideOverCard(isPresented: $showView, options: [.disableDrag, .disableDragToDismiss, .hideExitButton]) {
  SomeView(isPresented: $showSummary)

Thank you for your time.

same problem here

I have the same problem with SOCManager.present, which is presented too fast. Are there plans to fix this issue?

Xcode version: 15.0.1
SlideOverCard version: 2.1.0