jonwagner / Insight.Database

Fast, lightweight .NET micro-ORM

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Data loss when using table valued parameters in .NET 6

nzbart opened this issue · comments

When using a table valued parameter with SQL Server type Money and C# type decimal, the decimal places are lost when sent to the database.

This problem does not appear to be present when running under the .NET Framework. Note that I have not attempted to reproduce this issue in any other .NET versions, so can't comment on which versions may have this problem. .NET 6 is the latest production .NET version.

Steps to reproduce

Create a C# project with the following files:


using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Insight.Database;

var masterCon = new SqlConnection("Server=(local);trusted_connection=true");
await masterCon.ExecuteSqlAsync("drop database if exists bugdemo; create database bugdemo");
var con = new SqlConnection(masterCon.ConnectionString + ";Database=bugdemo");
await con.ExecuteSqlAsync("create type MoneyDemoTable as table (Value money)");
var original = new MoneyDemo(1.234m); 
var actual = await con.SingleSqlAsync<decimal>("select * from @Value", new { Value = new[] { original } });

Console.WriteLine("Original: {0}", original.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Actual: {0}", actual);

record MoneyDemo(decimal Value);


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Insight.Database.Providers.Default" Version="6.3.9" />


Update the connection string to point to a SQL Server instance if you haven't got SQL Server running locally, and run the app using dotnet run. It will output the following:

Original: 1.234
Actual: 1.0000

Expected behavior

I expect the output to be as follows, since decimal places should not be lost:

Original: 1.234
Actual: 1.234
  • Dotnet version: [net6.0]
  • Database: [SQL Server]
  • Library version: [6.3.9]

This change appears to fix the problem for me:

diff --git a/Insight.Database.Providers.Default/SqlDataRecordAdapter.cs b/Insight.Database.Providers.Default/SqlDataRecordAdapter.cs
index 442cfad..3d8c416 100644
--- a/Insight.Database.Providers.Default/SqlDataRecordAdapter.cs
+++ b/Insight.Database.Providers.Default/SqlDataRecordAdapter.cs
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ namespace Insight.Database.Providers.Default
 						return SqlDbType.DateTime;
 					case "datetime2":
 						return SqlDbType.DateTime2;
+					case "money":
+						return SqlDbType.Money;

I'm happy to create a pull request, but could do with some advice about where to write the tests. The closest, similar, test I can see is Datetime2FieldsShouldConvertInTVP. Should I create one below that?