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Auto interface SQL injection?

zhangb99 opened this issue · comments


We have an auto interface like this

    public Task<Something> GetSomething(string id);

    [Sql("SELECT something FROM somewhere WHERE id=@id")]
    public Task<Something> SelectSomething(string id);

Whether SQL attribute contains a proc, or a parameterized text, I would expect it being safe against SQL injection. But we were surprised, it actually trying to execute additional SQL. Say id=abc returns some data

If you pass id=abc';IF%20(1=1)%20WAITFOR%20DELAY%20'0:0:5';-- it waits for 5 seconds
If you pass id=abc';select%20cast(user%20as%20int);-- it shows current SQL service account name.

I tried all combinations, explicit parameter, specify CommandType, Proc vs Text, it appears auto interface SQL Attribute always tries to construct dynamic SQL, which result in SQL injection.

Did I miss something? Or using this the wrong way?



Sorry, my bad, I had a dynamic SQL within the proc.