jonwagner / Insight.Database

Fast, lightweight .NET micro-ORM

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Library Update Work ~Feb 8, 2020

jonwagner opened this issue · comments

I blocked off some time next Saturday to make a pass through open issues.

I'll likely proceed in this order:

  1. Fixed that have merge-ready code
  2. New SQLServer driver - whatever Jaxel has ready
  3. Easy bug fixes and asks
  4. Hard stuff

If you've started working on an open issue, please assign it to yourself so I don't duplicate your effort. If there's something that impacts you, please make sure there is enough detail to reproduce the issue. I'm not likely to get a bunch of days in a row to diagnose things.

I'll kick out a new build if we get the open issue count low.

If you get time to look at the hard stuff look at old issue #332, I have run into this myself but not looked at what it will take to address.

Sorry for the delay here. I got totally engulfed by coronavirus response work. I'll be looking for an upcoming opportunity to make a new build.

Is there any update to this? I know there's obviously a lot going on right now and I hope your situation is ok. Just wondering if the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient support is still on the horizon?

I merged all of the open pull requests and tests are passing. Next step is to run through open issues and see if there's anything else to take care of before a build.

v6.3 is out.

For .netstandard2.0 and net46, the default package includes both the System.Data.SqlClient and Microsoft.Data.SqlClient providers for simplicity.

I don't think that's an issue, but if it is, I'll drop another build that splits that up. In the meantime, you can always pick and choose the packages that you want if you want/need to strip out either of the clients.