jonwagner / Insight.Database

Fast, lightweight .NET micro-ORM

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CancellationToken not passed to WriteToServerAsync from BulkCopyAsync

lawrencek76 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

In the file SqlInsightDbProvider.cs the BulkCopyAsync method does not pass the cancellationToken parameter to the underlying BulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync

public override async Task BulkCopyAsync(IDbConnection connection, string tableName, IDataReader reader, Action<InsightBulkCopy> configure, InsightBulkCopyOptions options, IDbTransaction transaction, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Steps to reproduce

call the BulkCopyAsync extension method passing in a cancellationToken then subsequently cancel it, the bulk copy will not cancel.

Expected behavior

calling cancel on the associated CancellationTokenSource should cancel the bulk copy operation

  • Dotnet version: [netcore2, dotnet472]
  • Database: [SQL Server]
  • Library version: [6.2.3]