jonreid / XcodeCoverage

Code coverage for Xcode projects (Objective-C only)

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Excluding Files From Coverage .xcodecoverageignore

amin234 opened this issue · comments

where i can but my excluding paths there no files with this extension .xcodecoverageignore
to add ${SRCROOT}/TestedProject/Machine Files/*

Create a new file called .xcodecoverageignore located wherever your SRCROOT is.

cat: ~/.xcodecoverageignore: No such file or directory

Not in your home directory. In the same directory that contains your Xcode project. And you have to create it yourself if you want it. Note that it's not required.

no it is required to exclude some file i created file named ~/xocodeproject/exclude.xcodecoverageignore

Let's start over. Can you describe what problem you're facing?