jonreid / XcodeCoverage

Code coverage for Xcode projects (Objective-C only)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool always exports i386

lumaxis opened this issue · comments

I just noticed an issue when trying to run my tests against a 64bit simulator e.g. an iPhone 6 simulator.
Then the script always puts i386 as CURRENT_ARCH into the file.
Might this be an issue I'm having with my build settings or does anyone know another way to fix this? Thanks!

Hmm. Try the latest XcodeCoverage and do getcov -v for verbose.

Hi Jon, thanks for taking the time to reply.
I just retried this with the most recent version from master and still had the issue. This caused me to some more digging. The issue was: On the build configuration I was using for "Test" in my scheme, the "Build Active Archive Only" flag was set to NO which caused i386 to always be exported as CURRENT_ARCH when doing a test build. After changing that, everything works fine now 👍
