jonhoo / inferno

A Rust port of FlameGraph

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Error in generated SVG: PCDATA invalid Char value (macos)

yanns opened this issue · comments

This is to track flamegraph-rs/flamegraph#166

I'm having the same issue on macos.
The svg file is generated, but contains one invalid character:

<title>request_body-1513b174ac30212f`core::ptr::drop_in_place$LT$tower..util..map_future..MapFuture$LT$tower..util..map_response..MapResponse$LT$tower..util..map_request..MapRequest$LT$tower..util..map_err..MapErr$LT$tower..util..map_response..MapResponse$LT$tower_http..compression..service..Compression$LT$tower_http..decompression..request..service..RequestDecompression$LT$axum..routing..route..Route$GT$$GT$$C$$LT$http..response..Response$LT$tower_http..compression..body..CompressionBody$LT$tower_http..body..UnsyncBoxBody$LT$bytes..bytes..Bytes$C$alloc..boxed..Box$LT$dyn$u20$core..error..Error$u2b$core..marker..Send$u2b$core..marker..Sync$GT$$GT$$GT$$GT$$u20$as$u20$axum_core..response..into_response..IntoResponse$GT$..into_response$GT$$C$$LT$core..convert..Infallible$u20$as$u20$core..convert..Into$LT$core..convert..Infallible$GT$$GT$..into$GT$$C$axum..routing..route..Route..layer$LT$tower..builder..ServiceBuilder$LT$tower_layer..stack..Stack$LT$tower_http..decompression..request..layer..RequestDecompressionLayer$C$tower_layer..stack..Stack$LT$t� (2 samples, 0.01%)</title>

There seems to be the non escaped char <0x1b>.

Hmm, interesting. As I pointed out in that issue, inferno seems to actually be doing the right thing here in the sense of passing through what the input provided, which suggests the issue is actually in the input provided to inferno. Could you provide the raw input data corresponding to the indicated problematic output?

Which raw file are you exactly interested into?
I've used cargo flamegraph --open ... to directly use the svg file.

I'd need the file that gets passed to inferno-collapse-*. Usually that's something like the output of perf script.

On mac, I guess dtrace is being used.
I cannot reproduce this issue right now, and I don't have the files anymore.
We can either close this issue for now, and I'll re-open it if I can reproduce it.
Or we can leave it open. As you want.

I'll close it for now then, but feel free to re-open when/if you can reproduce!