jonhoo / inferno

A Rust port of FlameGraph

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Differential output tooltips are confusing

itamarst opened this issue · comments

Consider these two compressed line profiling reports.


base_only 50
both1 25
both2 25


both1 25
both2 50
changed_only 125

The backwards looking difference flamegraph has explanatory tooltips as follows:

  • both1 (25 units, 12.50%; 0.00%)
  • both2 (50 units, 25.00%; +12.50%)
  • changed_only (125 units, 62.50%; +62.50%)

The forwards looking difference flamegraph:

  • base_only (50 units, 50.00%; -50.00%)
  • both1 (25 units, 25.00%; 0.00%)
  • both2 (25 units, 25.00%; +25.00%)

The main issue is the difference (+/-) percentages. They are really bad at explaining what happened.

Consider both2: it went from 25 to 50. In the backwards looking diff that's described as +12.50% even though it doubled. In the forwards looking diff that's described as both2 (25 other counts, 25.00%; +25.00%).

  1. This is inconsistent: +%12.50 vs +25.00%.
  2. It's talking about % of overall time, basically, but that's not what most people care about, they care about absolute change. "This function got faster" or "this function uses more memory", not "this function is higher percentage of the whole". If everything in your program somehow ran twice as slow, it'd be +0.00% even though everything is twice as slow!
  3. If % of total is really what you care about that's why there's a normalization option when creating the diff.

Consider changed_only: it didn't exist in the base profile, only in the changed profile. +62.50% does not convey that important piece of information, it just makes it seem like it grew 62% from the base.


  • A reasonable semantic to me is "multiplier from old to new, consistent across both directions". So in example above base2 would be new = 2.0×old (↑) in both backwards and forwards looking graphs. Something added in new would be new = added (↑) in backwards looking, something removed in new would be new = removed (↓), something shrunken in new would be new = 0.75×old (↓).
  • Perhaps you have some ideas.

I can try to submit a PR if you are happy with this or some other proposal. And would need to know if you care about backwards compat. My feeling is current behavior is useless enough that just removing it would be fine, but that's me.

Perhaps should file this as a separate bug, but also it looks like maybe the scaling factor option is broken when using differential flamegraphs. Worth checking this works as part of a fix to this issue, at minimum.

I think you're completely right that this is confusing, and I like your proposal to make it multipliers instead (and consistent (inverted?) across directions). Totally fine with removing the current info and replacing with this better info 👍

Thank you! Will get the relevant PR in better shape once I'm recovered from COVID.