jonhoo / haphazard

Hazard pointers in Rust.

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Unsoundness in safe code, `AtomicPtr::compare_exchange_*`

TroyNeubauer opened this issue · comments

I have been working on a concurrent hash map with the help of haphazard, and have seem to come across undefined behavior in safe code.
Here is a reproducing example:

use haphazard::AtomicPtr;

struct Family;

fn main() {
    // SAFETY:
    // p is null
    let ptr: AtomicPtr<u32, Family> = unsafe { AtomicPtr::new(std::ptr::null_mut()) };

    let new = Box::new(0u32);
    let old = Box::into_raw(Box::new(0u32));
    let _ = ptr.compare_exchange_weak(old, new);

When run with cargo miri run produces:

982 |         Box(unsafe { Unique::new_unchecked(raw) }, alloc)
    |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ type validation failed: encountered 0, but expected something greater or equal to 1

note: inside `main` at src/
   --> src/
14  |     let _ = ptr.compare_exchange_weak(old, new);
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The safety comment for AtomicPtr::new() says that p must be a valid reference to T or null, however when the compare exchange fails
inside compare_exchange_weak:


Lines 612 to 616 in e0e18f6

let r = unsafe { self.compare_exchange_weak_ptr(current, new) };
r.map_err(|ptr| {
// Safety: `ptr` is `new`, which was never shared, and was a valid `P`.
unsafe { P::from_raw(ptr) }

the null inside the pointer ends up in the Err variant which is then used to call Pointer::from_raw:


Lines 32 to 41 in e0e18f6

/// Reconstruct this pointer type from the given `ptr`.
/// # Safety (for callers)
/// 1. `ptr` must be a pointer returned by `Self::into_raw`
/// 2. `ptr` must be valid to dereference to a `T`
/// 3. `ptr` must not have been passed to `from_raw` since it was returned from `into_raw`
/// 4. `ptr` must not be aliased
unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut T) -> Self;

Which doesn't allow nulls.

Allowing nulls in AtomicPtr is non-negotiable for building concurrent data structures, so how do we fix this api?

Yes, you're totally right, that's just straight up wrong. The bug is in compare_exchange_weak (and I suspect also compare_exchange) assuming that the _ptr version returns current on failure, when in reality it returns the value stored in the std::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr that wasn't current. The solution here is luckily simple — we just need to change


Lines 613 to 616 in e0e18f6

r.map_err(|ptr| {
// Safety: `ptr` is `new`, which was never shared, and was a valid `P`.
unsafe { P::from_raw(ptr) }


        r.map_err(move |_| {
            // Safety: `new` was never shared, and was a valid `P`.
            unsafe { P::from_raw(new) }

Which should work since new is just a *mut T and that is Copy. Want to file a PR for this and the non-weak variant? We may also want to update the documentation wording on these methods to clarify what "previous" value means, here for example:

/// the previous pointer. On success this value is guaranteed to be equal to `current`.

Sure, I'll knock this out after the stream haha.

Closed in #38