jonhoo / fantoccini

A high-level API for programmatically interacting with web pages through WebDriver.

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Error when connecting to browserstack: Session not started or terminated

fiinnnn opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to use thirtyfour to run tests on browserstack but whenever I try to connect it fails with: NotW3C(Object {"message": String("Session not started or terminated")}).

I contacted browserstack support and they said the following about the error message:

The above error indicates that we received the command from your end after the session on BrowserStack stopped running.

It seems the error occurs immediately after the initial NewSession command.
I also tried connecting to a local selenium hub with fantoccini and connecting to browserstack using the python webdriver, both worked without any issues.

Do you have any idea what the issue could be?

Here's the code I used for testing:

let mut caps = DesiredCapabilities::chrome();

let bstack_options = json!({
    "os": "Windows",
    "osVersion": "11",
    "sessionName": name,
    "userName": "***",
    "accessKey": "***"

caps.add("bstack:options", bstack_options).unwrap();

let url = "";

WebDriver::new(url, caps)
    .expect("failed to create driver")

That sounds like it might be a problem in your CI setup otherwise, or in thirtyfour somewhere. I'm afraid there's not much I can do to help here.