jonhoo / fantoccini

A high-level API for programmatically interacting with web pages through WebDriver.

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Adding support for headless browser?

Atsukoro1 opened this issue · comments

As described in firefoxOptions, the only way to run headless browser is by specifying headless. I have not found any way to pass arguments when creating the client with ClientBuilder.

I am currently creating client with Client builder like this ->

let cl: Client = ClientBuilder::native()
            .insert(String::from("-headless"), String::from(""))  
        "Failed to connect to Webdriver, do you 
         have gecko driver and firefox binary installed?"

As the Firefox docs you linked to mention, you need to pass in a capability named moz:firefoxOptions whose value should be something like:

serde_json::json!({ "args": ["--headless"] });

serde_json::json returns a serde_json::Value and it was unclear to me how to actually convert that into a Capabilities, so I ended up using serde_json::from_str:

    let client = ClientBuilder::native()
        .capabilities(serde_json::from_str(r#"{"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": ["--headless"]}}"#)?)

Does this look about right?

Also, we could probably use an example for this.

Capabilities is really just a type alias for serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>, so you can just use it directly :)