jonhoo / fantoccini

A high-level API for programmatically interacting with web pages through WebDriver.

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Element send_keys can't send '@'

DimitriTimoz opened this issue · comments

When we call the method send_keys on a element with a &str which contain an '@' we get the following error:
Standard(WebDriver { error: UnknownError, message: "unknown error: Cannot construct KeyEvent from non-typeable key\n })
Here is my code if I did a mistake:


I'have tried with a &str without a '@' and it worked

@stevepryde Do you know what might cause this? Sounds like some kind of escaping issue.

I haven't seen this before. I'll have a look because I'm curious about what's happening here.

I modified one of the examples to test this and this works fine for me:

    let code_area = client


Could it be something else like a version mismatch between geckodriver & Firefox (or chromedriver & Chrome) ?

@DimitriTimoz could you please post the browser you're using and the browser + webdriver versions? Thanks

I'm going to close this as can't-produce. Feel free to open if you have updated reproduction steps!