jonhoo / fantoccini

A high-level API for programmatically interacting with web pages through WebDriver.

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Update to tokio 1.0

MonsieurMan opened this issue · comments

Hi there !

I'll be using your library for a little raspberry project, checking tokyo I see there is a new version.

I'm in need of a little more training in Rust, would you be interested in me landing a PR for a migration to tokyo 0.3, or are there any current work on the matter ?

Thanks in advance,

Hi! Absolutely, I'd love one. I think we're probably going to be blocked on hyper not yet supporting tokio 0.3, but getting the ball rolling is a good idea :)

hyper author is going to wait a few weeks for tokio 1.0 to ship, in order not to burden his users with potentially two breaking releases.
So you're right, I can do some preparation work, but it won't be finished until tokio 1.0 and hyper 0.14

Now that tokio 1.0 and hyper 0.14 are out, I think we're only blocked on hyper-tls to get this out the door (hyperium/hyper-tls#76)!

And tokio 1.0 was released. What a pace for them.

hyper-tls v0.5 has been released with tokio 1.0, so if that was the last thing blocking then we should be free to update this lib

We unfortunately also currently have warp as a dev-dependency, which is still on tokio 0.2 (issue here: seanmonstar/warp#725). If someone wants to submit a PR that moves the tests to use hyper for the server instead (shouldn't be too painful), then that would unblock the move!