jonhoo / faktory-rs

Rust bindings for Faktory clients and workers

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Consumer - how do I convert back to the original data?

justmark opened this issue · comments

I've got a small test running. I can send data through Faktory, and the consumer receives it fine.

If I enqueue a job with args:

vec! [1, 2, 3, 4]

I receive:

[Number(1), Number(2), Number(3), Number(4)]

That shows up with a type of &[Value]. How do I get it back to a Vec? I've been going through serde_json docs trying to figure this out.


I resolved this by using:

serde_json::to_value(array) and serde_json::from_value(job.args().to_owned()).unwrap()

If there is a better way, I'm all ears.

Hmm, yeah, this stems from the fact that unlike the other properties of a Job, the args field isn't public, it's only accessible through args(&self). Honestly, I forget why I made args not be pub, and looking at it now I'd be happy to accept a PR that changes the args field from pub(crate) to pub.