jonhoo / buzz

A simple system tray application for notifying about unseen e-mail

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Buzz does not build using rustc 1.41

ftilde opened this issue · comments

Snippet from the build:

   Compiling syntex_syntax v0.54.0
error[E0423]: expected function, tuple struct or tuple variant, found struct `ast::Name`
   --> /home/dominik/.cargo/registry/src/
146 |                       name: ast::Name($index),
    |                             ^^^^^^^^^
165 | / declare_keywords! {
166 | |     // Invalid identifier
167 | |     (0,  Invalid,        "")
168 | |
...   |
231 | |     (56, CrateRoot, "{{root}}")
232 | | }
    | |_- in this macro invocation

The issue is also described here and happens due to the dependency-chain systray -> libappindicator -> libappindicator-sys -> (an ancient version of) bindgen -> aster -> syntex_syntax.

The issue is fixed in libappindactor and the master branch of systray. However, the latter does not build at the moment due to other issues. The fix for this project is probably to wait until a new, fixed version of systray is published. In the meantime, if anyone wants to build buzz using rustc 1.41, they can temporarliy use the PR-branch that I submitted to systray to fix the upgrade-issues (at least for Linux/*BSD/...) using a patch section in the Cargo.toml of buzz:

systray = { git = "" }

Yup, I ran into this recently too, and am just holding for systray to be updated (I know @qdot is working on it). Thanks for posting the workaround!


Just pushed 0.4.0 (with @ftilde's patch (thanks! :D ), Rust 2018 support, etc) to I compiled it and checked the examples, but that's about as far as testing went for the moment. Lemme know if it works for you.

Published in buzz 1.2!