jonfroehlich / CSE599Sp2019

The github repo for CSE599 - Prototyping Interactive Systems Spring 2019

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CSE599 Prototyping Interactive Systems

Example assignments and projects from previous incarnations of this course: CMSC838f at UMD This course explores the materiality and physicality of interactive computing via rapid prototyping. In the words of MIT professor Hiroshi Ishii, we will seek to “seamlessly couple the dual worlds of bits and atoms.” This is a particularly interesting time to survey and explore this area because of three, interrelated technology trends:

  • The emergence of the DIY/Makers movement, which has led to widespread opportunities to interface and work with hardware that has rather low barriers of entry (e.g., the Arduino), provides new opportunities for coupling form with computation (e.g., through digital fabrication), and provides countless online materials/tutorials to help us along.
  • The pervasiveness of powerful mobile computers and IoT devices that are constantly on and nearly constantly with us (or around us) and imbued with a rich array of sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and location-sensing that allow for new types of off-the-desktop interaction
  • Advancements in machine learning and computer vision and maturing ML/CV toolkits/APIs that enable us to process and use sensor data in new ways for human-computer interaction (without being experts in ML or CV ourselves!) Taken together, we can no longer simply consider the GUI and WIMP interfaces as primary interaction models for computing. We must explore new spaces of interaction that are, in part, enabled by the above three points. In this class, we will use materials to help us think and to push our own boundaries of what interactive computing is and could be.

The full syllabus, assignments, and discussions are on our private Canvas site.

In this repository, we host example code and lecture PDFs (please email me for the raw PowerPoints, which gives you access to animations and the plentiful embedded movies).

Course Curriculum

While informed by my previous graduate courses—namely, Tangible Interactive Computing at UMD and Ubiquitous Computing at UW—this is a new class that will be purposefully experimental. For the most part, I will be building the course as we go, which enables freshness, flexibility, and adaptability but at a cost, perhaps, of predictability and polish. For my graduate courses (like this one!), I always try to incorporate new technologies, techniques, and methods--some which are new to me—which means that we will be learning together. :) Optmistically, I plan to cover:

  • Prototyping Processes and Rationale
    • Background and theories about ideation, prototyping, and the science of design
    • When and how to prototype
    • Apply HCI design process to interactive device design from form to function
  • Physical Computing (Prototyping Embedded Systems)
    • Introduce and learn basics of electronic circuits, including voltage, current, and resistance
    • Introduce and learn basic circuit design concepts, including voltage dividers, pull-up and pull-down resistors
    • Introduce and learn the popular embedded prototyping platform Arduino and programming concepts therein
    • Introduce and learn basic IoT concepts (e.g., connecting to a device, I/O).
    • Introduce and learn basics of electro-mechanical design (i.e., designing for actuation)
  • Prototyping Form
    • Learn the basics of the 3D-fabrication workflow (measuring, CAD modeling, slicing, printing, iterating)
    • Gain experience building hardware enclosures for an electro-mechanical design
    • Gain experience and basic knowledge of a state-of-the-art CAD tool (Autodesk Fusion 360)
  • Applied Machine Learning for HCI
    • Introduce and learn basic machine learning approaches popular in HCI/UbiComp, including shape matching and feature-based classification
    • Introduce and learn basic machine learning pipeline: data collection, signal processing, model training, and model testing using k-fold cross validation
    • Introduce and learn popular data analytics tools and toolkits (e.g., Jupyter Notebook, scipy)
    • Introduce and learn popular machine learning toolkits (scikit learn, cloud-based apis)
  • Applied Computer Vision for HCI
    • Introduce and learn basic image processing and computer vision techniques most relevant to HCI
    • Gain experience using computer vision libraries and basic understandings of CV principles
    • Reinforce ML pipeline previously discussed

Jupyter Notebooks


For the applied signal processing and machine learning parts of the course, I've begun creating tutorial notebooks in Jupyter Notebook. You can play with interactive versions in the cloud, view static versions in your browser (github has a static viewer), or download the ipynb files and run them locally on your machine. Because they are new, expect some draftiness and frequent updates.

  • MyFirstNotebook.ipynb, which was used in class to introduce students to the basics of Jupyter Notebook (e.g., cells, execution)
  • PythonTutorial.ipynb: we use lots of programming languages in this class. This notebook is intended to be a quick Python primer (and refresher).
  • MatplotlibPyplotTutorial.ipynb: matplotlib is the Python-based visualization framework we will be using in class
  • NumpyTutorial.ipynb: numpy is a popular library for processing array/matrix data in scientific computing and data science
  • PlayingWithSignals.ipynb: an initial notebook to illustrate basic signal processing and signal comparison using numpy and scipy.


  • Design activity
  • Course overview
  • Prototyping process
  • What is a circuit, voltage, current, and resistance
  • What is a resistor and how to use it
  • What is an LED and how to use it (e.g., polarity, current limiting resistor)
  • What is Ohm’s Law and why is it useful?
  • Series vs. parallel resistive circuit configurations
  • What is a breadboard and how to use it
  • How to read a datasheet
  • Reinforce some circuit concepts from last week
  • What is Arduino? Both hardware and software
  • How to use digital output (i.e., turning on/off an LED using digitalWrite)
  • How to debug using Serial Monitor and multimeters
  • How to use an RGB LED (if time)
  • What is analog output?
  • What is PWM and why does it matter?
  • How to use analogWrite()
  • Using Serial Plotter for debugging
  • Introduction to vibration motors and how to use them
  • (Partial) Introduction to potentiometers and analog input (if time)
  • Working with analog input
  • What is a knob/trim potentiometer and how to use it?
  • What is a slide potentiometer and how to use it?
  • What are variable resistive sensors and how to use them?
  • Understanding the importance of voltage dividers when working with analog input (and the relevancy of Ohm’s law!)
  • A1: Interactive Night Light share outs
  • Intro to A2: 3D-Printed Interactive Night Light
  • Rapid end-to-end demonstration of CAD modeling + 3D printing
  • How CAD tools + 3D printing can be used to rapidly prototype form
  • An introduction to two primary 3D printing methods: SLA and FDM
  • The 3D printing pipeline
  • Modeling designs in Fusion 360
  • What is slicing and what do we use it for
  • Sketching: How to move objects
  • Sketching: How to resize objects
  • Sketching: What are construction lines?
  • Sketching: How to use constraints
  • 3D: How to import 3D objects
  • 3D: How to project from 3D to 2D
  • 3D: How to use revolve and circular patterns
  • Intro to wires
  • Intro to basic electronic hand tools
  • How to solder
  • How to use a perfboard
  • Design activity: build an LED flashlight with a perfboard
  • (If time) Solder header pins on ADXL335 accelerometer
  • Ken Yasuhara from Engineering Teaching and Learning Center
  • A2: 3D-Printed Interactive Night Light share outs
  • Intro to A3: Shape-Matching Gesture Recognizer
  • Ideation and getting the design right and the right design
  • Ideation process as a tree and process of elaboration+reduction
  • When to prototype: "ABP: Always Be Prototyping"
  • The importance of exploring a breadth of ideas
  • Focus on rapidly building prototypes to explore design space
  • Perceived fidelity of prototypes can impact responses
  • Iteration is critical
  • Prototype multiple designs in parallel
  • Show/test multiple prototypes to enable comparison
  • How do we acquire sensor data (i.e., signal acquisition)?
  • What is a time-series signal and how do we represent them?
  • Decomposing and synthesizing signals
  • Basic signal processing strategies
  • How to compare two signals using 'shape matching'
  • General approaches in HCI/Ubicomp for processing and classifying signals
  • Example from a research project: HydroSense
  • How to approach A3
  • Jupyter Notebook exercises and A3 worktime

Lecture 13: In-Class Exercises and Project Checkin

  • A3 reflection. What worked? What didn’t? Challenges? Solutions?
  • Quick intro to model-based approaches
  • JupyterNotebook exercises with SVMGestureRecognizer ipynb
  • Using machine learning toolkits like scikit-learn
  • The scikit-learn ML framework
  • How the K Nearest Neighbor ( kNN ) classification model works
  • How the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification model works
  • Briefly: feature selection , feature scaling , parameter tuning

Lecture 16: Project Feedback and Work Time

  • Project walkarounds and feedback from Jasper and Jon
  • A4 Share Outs How well did your models perform? What input features did you use? How did you choose?
  • K-Fold Cross-Validation We used custom code for k-fold, what if we used scikit-learn's built-in functionality?
  • Quick intro to Pandas to make it easier to analyze and visualize input features
  • Using Pandas describe(), hist(), scatter_matrix(), and corr()
  • How do we choose input features to our model? Automatic Feature Selection to the rescue! We cover four main approahces, including analysis of variance, univariate statistics, model-based feature selection, and iterative model-based feature selection like recursive feature elimination
  • How do we select the parameters to tune our selected ML model? For example, should we use a linear kernel or a non-linear kernel with an SVM? This is called parameter tuning and scikit-learn has support for this too. We will illustrate this using GridSearchCV and an example Jupyter Notebook shared in class.

Lecture 19: Project Work Time

  • Project walkarounds and feedback from Jasper
  • See for an example of a real-time Python-based visualization (using matplotlib) of incoming accelerometer data from the Arduino
  • See for a code skeleton showing how to do (simple) real-time segmentation of incoming accelerometer data for gesture recognition


The github repo for CSE599 - Prototyping Interactive Systems Spring 2019


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.1%Language:C++ 0.3%Language:Processing 0.3%Language:Python 0.3%