jonathanmoore / payment_icons

An easy to use library that allows you to manage and access payment icons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Payment Icons

Payment Icons is a simple Ruby on Rails engine extracted from Shopify. Shopify supports multiple payment methods through gems like Active Merchant and Offsite Payments. This has lead to an accumulation of icons for various payment methods. This gem provides easy access to those icons and helpful methods to integrate them into any Ruby on Rails app.


From Git

You can check out the latest source from git:

git clone

From RubyGems

Run gem install payment_icons in your console.

If you'd like to add it to your existing Rails project, include gem 'payment_icons' in your Gemfile and run bundle install.

Once the gem is part of your Rails project, the PaymentIcon frozen record model will be available anywhere in your application. You also have access to all the icons with the path app/assets/images/payment_icons/<icon_name.svg>.

For example:

<% PaymentIcon.credit_cards.each do |card| %>
    <%= image_tag card.path %>
<% end %>


To add a new payment method icon to this repository:

  1. Fork the repository and clone it

  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_new_icon)

  3. Add your-icon.svg to the app/assets/images/payment_icons/ directory with the following specifications:

    • 38 by 24 pixels
    • Solid white background
    • 1 pixel wide solid grey border
    • viewBox="0 0 38 24" attribute on the root <svg> tag
    • role="img" attribute on the root <svg> tag
    • aria-labelledby attribute on the root <svg> tag, equal to pi- + the name of your icon
    • <title> tag containing the label of your icon, with an id attribute equal to pi- + the name of your icon

    Here's a template to get started (don't forget to replace your-icon):

    <svg xmlns="" role="img" viewBox="0 0 38 24" width="38" height="24" aria-labelledby="pi-your-icon">
      <title id="pi-your-icon">Your Icon</title>
      <path opacity=".07" d="M35 0H3C1.3 0 0 1.3 0 3v18c0 1.7 1.4 3 3 3h32c1.7 0 3-1.3 3-3V3c0-1.7-1.4-3-3-3z"/>
      <path fill="#fff" d="M35 1c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2v18c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2H3c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V3c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h32"/>
  4. Edit db/payment_icons.yml file with the name, label and group of your icon. Valid group options are as follows:

    • bank_transfers
    • convenience_stores
    • credit_cards
    • cryptocurrencies
    • other
    • wallets
  5. Optimize your icon

    $ npm install -g svgo
    $ svgo your-icon.svg --disable={removeUnknownsAndDefaults,removeTitle,cleanupIDs,removeViewBox}
  6. Push your changes to your fork (git push origin my_new_icon)

  7. Open a pull request and one of our maintainers will review it.

The trademarks and trade names provided in this library are those of their respective owners.


An easy to use library that allows you to manage and access payment icons

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 75.2%Language:HTML 22.2%Language:CSS 2.5%Language:JavaScript 0.1%