jonascarpay / apecs-physics

2D physics and rendering for apecs

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Stack can't find apecs-physics-gloss via git

RobertGlorioso opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to get Stack to find the apec-physics-gloss package? Stack complains it doesn't have the dependency for it when I build.

It finds and builds apecs-physics just fine.

Here is my .yaml:

resolver: lts-9.11
packages: [.]
  - apecs-
  - gloss-juicy-0.2.2
  - sdl2-mixer-1.1.0
  - git:
    commit: 4bc304544c1c3136f3b9557c0bbb12724a1a8213

flags: {}
extra-package-dbs: []

Maybe give apecs-physics-gloss it's own repo?

I'll see if I can upload to hackage this weekend, which should solve the issue altogether. I think the quickest fix for now is to clone the repo, and add the paths to apecs-physics and apecs-physics/apecs-physics-gloss to pacakges in stack.yaml.

I've been having some issues with the portability of the C code that prevent me from pushing to hackage. I'm currently working on a new apecs version that I need to finish before I can put significant time into apecs-physics, though, so it might take a few weeks before I can really fix this. Did you manage to get it working?

It works well by cloning the repo. Is there a roadmap for the apecs update?