johnxie / awesome-startup-stack

Curated list of technologies for your next startup

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Curated list of technologies for your next startup



  • Python - Popular for scripting, web backend and machine learning.
  • Ruby - Scripting and web backend.
  • C# - Microsoft programming language.
  • F# - Funtional language for the .NET Framework.
  • Elixir - Erlang VM based, functional, paralell programming, scalable, fault tolerant.
  • PHP - Used mostly in web backend.
  • Hack - PHP based, but safer and faster.

JavaScript based

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime for backend and scripting.
  • Elm - Webapps.
  • PureScript - A strongly-typed functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript.

JVM based


Web backend

  • Ruby on Rails - Ruby web MVC (model-view-controller) framework.
  • Django - High-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
  • Flask - Microframework for Python.
  • Laravel - PHP framework.
  • Play - For Java & Scala.
  • Grails - Groovy framework on top of Spring Boot.
  • WebSharper - Framework and toolset for developing web/mobile applications and web services entirely in C# or F#.
  • Phoenix - Elixir web framework, can handle millions of connections.
  • Sails - Node.js MVC framework.
  • Hapi - Node.js framework.
  • Vapor - Swift for web backend.
  • Micronaut - JVM based full-stack framework for microservice applications.
  • Lumie - Lightweight module to set up a scalable controllers architecture for Node.js projects.
  • Zappa - Easy build and deploy server-less Python applications on AWS Lambda + API Gateway and others.
  • Sparta - Framework that transforms a standard Go application into a self-deploying AWS Lambda powered service.
  • The Go Cloud Project - Allow application developers to seamlessly deploy cloud applications on any combination of cloud providers.
  • - Ruby cloud services library.
  • - Real-time engine.

Web frontend

  • jQuery - Basic JavaScript library.
  • Angular - Google's framework for web & mobile apps written in Typescript.
  • React - Facebook's JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Vue.js - From simple to full charged web apps.
  • AWS Amplify - JavaScript library for application development using cloud services.
  • Next.js - Lightweight framework for static and server‑rendered applications.
  • Nuxt.js - The same than Next.js but with Vue.js.

Web design

  • Bootstrap - Twitter's simple HTML styling for web app prototyping.
  • Bulma - CSS framework.
  • Foundation - Responsive frontend framework for rapid development.
  • Tailwind - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
  • Sematic UI - A lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework.
  • Spectre.css
  • Pure.css - Small, responsive CSS modules.
  • Ant Design - React UI library with high quality components for building rich, interactive user interfaces.
  • Rebass - Library of highly-composable, primitive UI components for React.
  • Skeleton - Simple, responsive boilerplate.
  • Tachyons - Fast loading, highly readable, and 100% responsive interfaces with as little css as possible.
  • Silver - 15 lines CSS grid system.




  • Fabric - Fabric is Python library & cli designed to execute shell commands remotely over SSH.
  • deliver - Pure bash deployment tool with customisable strategies.
  • Kappa - cli that makes it easier to deploy, update, and test functions for AWS Lambda.
  • Serverless - Toolkit for deploying and operating serverless architectures, using services, like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and more.

Mobile apps

  • React Native - Native apps with JavaScript.
  • Flutter - Google’s mobile app SDK for native interfaces on iOS and Android, based on Dart.
  • NativeScript - Native apps with Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript or JavaScript.


  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Redis - In-memory data store for cache and message broker.
  • ElasticSearch
  • RethinkDB - Realtime results to queries, ideal for multi concurrent users apps, multiplayer games, realtime analytics,…
  • OrientDB - Multi-model database: graph, relational, document & key/value.


Cloud computing platforms

Managed container system

Serverless processing

  • Firebase - From Google: database, authentication, storage,…
  • Webtask - HTTP endpoints written with Node.js.
  • Netlify - Automate deployment, AWS Lambda management, user signups and logins, forms.
  • StdLib
  • Zeit - Easy deployments with Now.
  • Lobe - Deep Learning made simple.
  • Sheetbase - Build a apps using Google services as backend.

Static hosting

  • - Static web publishing for Front-End Developers.


  • Auth0 - Authentication and authorization for web and apps.

Hosted databases



  • Cloudinary - Image and video on-the-fly manipulations.

Mail API


  • Segment - Analytics API and customer data platform that integrates 200 different data providers.
  • PaperTrail - Logs.
  • Datadog - Full-stack monitoring and analytics.
  • UptimeRobot - Downtime notifications.
  • Rollbar - Real-time error alerting & debugging tools.



App builders

No code

No code web

No code apps

  • Bubble - App builder.
  • Mason - Build, design, and deploy fully functional front-end solutions.
  • Thunkable - Mobile app builder for Android and iOS.
  • sheet2site - Create websites from Google Sheets.
  • Zapier - Automated workflows.
  • cron-job - Scheduled execution of websites and scripts.
  • Typeform - Forms, Stripe integration.
  • BuildBox - Build mobile games with no code.
  • Asteroid - Augmented reality dev tool for creating 3D apps that react to their environment.


  • Shopify
  • Gumroad - Simple setup.
  • Plasso Storefront - Sell subscriptions, physical and digital goods, charge for services, accept donations, sell pre-orders and more.
  • Wirize - Accept card payments online.
  • DPD - Sell digital content simply copying & pasting buttons on any web, even with a cart system and scheduled content with subscription.
  • Memberful - To sell memberships, for Stripe, WordPress and MailChimp.

No code marketing

Live chat

  • Crisp - Live chat.
  • Drift - Conversational marketing platform.
  • - Interactive chatbot for collecting data from visitors.

IDEs and Editors

  • Atom - From GitHub, free & libre.
  • VisualStudio - From Microsoft, free.
  • Sublime
  • CodeSandbox - Online editor that helps you create web applications, from prototype to deployment.
  • Light Table - IDE with powerful debug capabilities, for Clojure, JavaScript/HTML/CSS and Python.
  • Vim
  • Emacs
  • Slap - Like Sublime but for the console.


  • Notion - Documentation, kanban, spreadsheets.
  • Zenkit - Lists, spreadsheets, kanban, mind maps.
  • Workflowy - Linked lists.
  • CodeGiant - Issue tracker, code repositories, documentation, continuous integration.
  • Monday
  • Trello
  • GitHub
  • GitLab - Planning, code repositories, CI/CD pipelines.

Technologies directories



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To the extent possible under law, Cristóbal Carnero Liñán has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


Curated list of technologies for your next startup