johnste / finicky

A macOS app for customizing which browser to start

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

iTerm2 integration with Finicky

clustor opened this issue · comments

Have you tried creating configuration for this application?

I added this handler but bundleId, name and path are all returning null. I would like "open" command to launch URLs in a specific browser.

match: ({ opener }) => {finicky.log("Received opener path " + opener.path + " opener name " + + " opener bundleId" + opener.bundleId); return false}, browser: "Google Chrome" },

Has anyone else tried to make this application work with Finicky before?
I didn't see any references to integrating iTerm2.

What application are you trying to set up
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print CFBundleIdentifier' /Applications/ com.googlecode.iterm2

It very much depends on how the url is opened.

If you're using the native link recognition functionality of iTerm (where you can Cmd+click on a link and it opens), the opener config should work (and works for me).

If some command in the shell is what is opening the url (e.g. open, then you are effectively opening the url via a subprocess, and all properties on opener seem to be null, except, which represents that open process — which subsequently quickly disappears as it's async.

I suppose if we could get a hold of the parent pid and walk the process tree, you could probably find a process name (in my case tmux) that one could use fairly reliably to determine that the opener was indeed my terminal.

Just noticed this is a duplicate issue of #168 @johnste