johnste / finicky

A macOS app for customizing which browser to start

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Brave opens as a new instance and crashes the running one

FezVrasta opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Lately I started experiencing this problem where when I open a link, Brave launches as a new instance (I see two Brave icons in the Dock), the new one "bounces" for a while and eventually the old instance crashes and the new one opens the link.

Your configuration

// Use to generate basic configuration
// Learn more about configuration options:

// Get Bundle ID: osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'

const BRAVE_PERSONAL = { name: 'Brave Browser', profile: 'Default' };
const BRAVE_SIRONA = {
  name: 'Brave Browser',
  profile: 'Sirona Medical',

module.exports = {
  options: {
    hideIcon: false,
  defaultBrowser: BRAVE_PERSONAL,
  handlers: [
    // Zoom
      match: ['**'],
      browser: '/Applications/',
    // Calendar links
      match: ({ opener }) => opener.bundleId === '',
      browser: BRAVE_SIRONA,

To Reproduce

I'm not sure how to reproduce this, it happens seemingly randomly. I tried to restart the Mac to no avail. In the past the same happened with Chrome when I used Choosy rather than Finicky.

I don't want to talk to soon but I may have fixed it reinstalling Brave. I'll keep this issue updated with any progress.

update, it still crashes

I see this with Chrome on my system too. Please help

The only solution I found is to reinstall the browser every time it starts doing it 😞

It happens to me as well since a few days ago