johnsonkee / recommend

transfer ncf from PyTorch to Mxnet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

1. Problem

This task benchmarks recommendation with implicit feedback on the MovieLens 20 Million (ml-20m) dataset with a Neural Collaborative Filtering model. The model trains on binary information about whether or not a user interacted with a specific item.

2. Directions


Ubuntu 18.04, python 3.5, MXNet 1.2.0, Cuda v9.0.176

Steps to configure machine

From Source

  1. Install MXNet(CPU or GPU)

  2. Install unzip and curl

sudo apt-get install unzip curl
  1. Checkout the johnsonkee repo
git clone
  1. Install other python packages
cd recommend
pip install -r requirements.txt

From Docker

  1. Checkout the johnsonkee repo
git clone
  1. Install CUDA and Docker
source reference/
  1. Get the docker image for the recommendation task
# Pull from Docker Hub
docker pull mxnet/python:1.2.0_gpu_cuda9

Steps to download and verify data

From Source

You can download and verify the dataset by running the and scripts in the parent directory. Before running the following codes, make sure you are in recommend directory:

# Creates
# Confirms the MD5 checksum of

From Docker

After pulling the image mxnet/python:1.2.0_gpu_cuda9, you can continue the following codes.

  1. Build a container through the image
nvidia-docker run --name johnsonkee_mxnet -ti \
mxnet/python:1.2.0_gpu_cuda9 /bin/bash
  1. Install unzip and curl
apt install unzip curl
  1. Build a directory to start your workers
cd /home
  1. Checkout the johnsonkee repo
git clone
  1. Install other python packages
pip install -r recommend/requirements.txt
  1. Download and verify dateset
# Creates
cd recommend
# Confirms the MD5 checksum of

Steps to run and time

From Source

Run the script with an integer seed value between 1 and 5

bash SEED

From Docker

Run the script with an integer seed value between 1 and 5

# make sure you are in the `recommend` directory
bash SEED

3. Dataset/Environment


Harper, F. M. & Konstan, J. A. (2015), 'The MovieLens Datasets: History and Context', ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst. 5(4), 19:1--19:19.

Data preprocessing

  1. Unzip
  2. Remove users with less than 20 reviews
  3. Create training and test data separation described below

Training and test data separation

Positive training examples are all but the last item each user rated. Negative training examples are randomly selected from the unrated items for each user.

The last item each user rated is used as a positive example in the test set. A fixed set of 999 unrated items are also selected to calculate hit rate at 10 for predicting the test item.

Training data order

Data is traversed randomly with 4 negative examples selected on average for every positive example.

4. Model


Xiangnan He, Lizi Liao, Hanwang Zhang, Liqiang Nie, Xia Hu and Tat-Seng Chua (2017). Neural Collaborative Filtering. In Proceedings of WWW '17, Perth, Australia, April 03-07, 2017.

The author's original code is available at hexiangnan/neural_collaborative_filtering.

5. Quality

Quality metric

Hit rate at 10 (HR@10) with 999 negative items.

Quality target

HR@10: 0.6289

Evaluation frequency

After every epoch through the training data.

Evaluation thoroughness

Every users last item rated, i.e. all held out positive examples.

6. About

This project was rewritten from mlperf'recommendation by Xianzhuo Wang when he was an intern a Cambricon.

The major difference between the two is that the original one uses PyTorch as framework while the new one uses MXNet as framework. In addition, the new one can support for two new datasets:

7. Issues & Suggestions

If you have any questiones, contact me or creat an issue.


transfer ncf from PyTorch to Mxnet


Language:Python 52.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 38.3%Language:Shell 9.3%