johnpapa / ng-demos

variety of angular demos

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Error on npm install for cc-bmean demo

mnewboult opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to install cc-bmean. I run npm install and get this on Windows 8 (running as Administrator):

D:\Projects\Angular\jpapa\ng-demos\cc-bmean>npm install
npm WARN package.json breeze-mongodb@0.0.6 No repository field.

cc-bmean@0.0.0 install D:\Projects\Angular\jpapa\ng-demos\cc-bmean
bower install; gulp clean


bower <command> [<args>] [<options>]


cache                   Manage bower cache
help                    Display help information about Bower
home                    Opens a package homepage into your favorite browser
info                    Info of a particular package
init                    Interactively create a bower.json file
install                 Install a package locally
link                    Symlink a package folder
list                    List local packages - and possible updates
lookup                  Look up a package URL by name
prune                   Removes local extraneous packages
register                Register a package
search                  Search for a package by name
update                  Update a local package
uninstall               Remove a local package
version                 Bump a package version


-f, --force             Makes various commands more forceful
-j, --json              Output consumable JSON
-l, --log-level         What level of logs to report
-o, --offline           Do not hit the network
-q, --quiet             Only output important information
-s, --silent            Do not output anything, besides errors
-V, --verbose           Makes output more verbose
--allow-root            Allows running commands as root
--version               Output Bower version

See 'bower help ' for more information on a specific command.


Any help appreciated.

Ran bower install and all seemed to work.