johnezang / JSONKit

Objective-C JSON

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

crash at JSONKit.m:2598:77

Chaolong opened this issue · comments

void objectISA = (JK_EXPECT_F(workAroundMacOSXABIBreakingBug)) ? NULL : *((void *)objectPtr);
This is where I use JSONString:
[@{@"ID":@"", @"Data":[@{@"EditionID":@6, @"AppID":kAppID} JSONString]
when I change @6 to @"6" , this line of code won't crash

If you still need it. I fixed that in my fork: I created Pull request too so hopefully it will be available in original JSONKit soon.

You may also see #158.