johnbrett / hapi-auth-bearer-token

Simple Bearer authentication scheme plugin for hapi, accepts token by Header, Cookie or Query parameter.

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Error 500 on invalid token

wkocmann opened this issue · comments

A request with an invalid token results in

{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An internal server error occurred"}

due to the line

            return h.unauthenticated(settings.unauthorized(message, settings.tokenType), { credentials, artifacts });

if is is changed to

            return h.unauthenticated(settings.unauthorized(message), { credentials, artifacts });

the statusCode is 401 as it should be.

It's interesting that this did not pop up before now, or whether this was a recent change caused this. Can you submit a failing test for this, I'd like to check this out?

I'm using it with hapi-swagger and the options object as a response property. Your test does fail if I modify the test this way:

            { method: 'GET', path: '/always_reject', handler: defaultHandler, options: { auth: 'always_reject', response: {
                status: {
                  401: {
                    statusCode: 401,
                    error: 'Unauthorized',
                    message: 'Missing authentication'
            } } } },

the output of the lab test is

      actual expected

        "attributes": {
          "error": "InternalBad Servertoken"
        "error": "Unauthorized",
        "message": "AnBad internal server error occurredtoken",
        "statusCode": 500401

      Expected { statusCode: 500,
  error: 'Internal Server Error',
  message: 'An internal server error occurred' } to equal specified value: { statusCode: 401,
  error: 'Unauthorized',
  message: 'Bad token',
  attributes: { error: 'Bad token' } }

but the Error 500 only appears if there is a response for 401

I got same issue.
When I check token invalid it always return 500 internal server error.
Do you have any update ?

I just made a token in my project to test this, I set my jwt with a very short expiration. When I hit up a route through my swagger gui (hapi-swagger) this is the response that I get from it

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Bad token",
  "attributes": {
    "error": "Bad token"

If change my header bearer with some nonsense or nothing at all I get

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Missing authentication"

When I try the exact same with curl to those endpoints I get the same response as when using swagger.

This is the version that I am running "hapi-auth-bearer-token": "6.1.0"

I am not saying that there is no problem here, It just seems that I cannot reproduce the issue that you guys are encountering and that it bugs me.

That being said you mentioned that you used options on a route. I suppose that means that you wrote a schema to validate the response and to output an example in swagger?
If this schema is wrong you WILL encounter an "Internal Server Error" -- and that would be expected.
Now if it is an "Bad Token". The response will ALSO contain a property named attributes in the response, so if you provided a schema for a 401 response and this is missing you will get an "Internal Server Error" and that is correct.

From that the test you mentioned would probably more be expected to be

  statusCode: 401,
  error: 'Unauthorized',
  message: 'Bad token',
  attributes: { error: 'Bad token' }

if you wish it to be

  statusCode: 401,
  error: 'Unauthorized',
  message: 'Missing authentication'

Try to write a custom unauthorized function for hapi-auth-bearer-token, in the options like this

  // some options
  unauthorized: (message, scheme) => { 
    throw boom.unauthorized(null, scheme)


Let me know if this changed anything :)

Actually the custom unauthorized is working

Actually it doesn't change anything

Oh shoot. Would have made sense though. Did you change the first argument in the unauthorized function ?
If it is changed to something custom, it will produce the attribute object to the response. Not very intuitive I know :/

I had the same issue and... According to the documentation, the credentials node is mandatory, even if your token is invalid. Without it, the server will respond with an error 500.

{ isValid: false, credentials: {} }

This "issue" is now fixed on my side :)

If so it seems to be familiar to this one #152 ?

I my case the credentials property is present.

    validate: async (request, token, h) => {
      return {
        isValid: isTokenValid(token),
        credentials: { token }

sorry everyone, currently on vacation, will try get to this when I can

I'm back and can deal with this now, sorry for delay on this. @kraniebrud thanks for jumping in and debugging this!

@wkocmann is this still an issue for you?

it is still an issue, have you tried to test with

            { method: 'GET', path: '/always_reject', handler: defaultHandler, options: { auth: 'always_reject', response: {
                status: {
                  401: {
                    statusCode: 401,
                    error: 'Unauthorized',
                    message: 'Missing authentication'
            } } } },

@johnbrett Hey John, I just ran into the same issue. When returning { isValid: false } and nothing else from the validate function, the plugin crashes. It's because you're taking credentials out of the returned object from the validate function and just pass it through to the h.unauthenticated() call.

Should I go for a PR? Or do you fix it on your own?

Let me know if I can help any further :) Thanks!

Would be delighted if you could provide a PR @marcuspoehls thanks a mil!!

@johnbrett Opened the PR. If anything doesn't match your idea, let's change it :)

That's perfect @marcuspoehls ! Thanks! merged and will publish a new version asap

@johnbrett Awesome! Thank you!

Published in v6.1.1

Thank you!