johnboiles / obs-mac-virtualcam

ARCHIVED! This plugin is officially a part of OBS as of version 26.1. See note below for info on upgrading. 🎉🎉🎉Creates a virtual webcam device from the output of OBS. Especially useful for streaming smooth, composited video into Zoom, Hangouts, Jitsi etc. Like CatxFish/obs-virtualcam but for macOS.

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Virtual Camera in Zoom does not change when OBS Scene transitions to new Scene

BillVideo opened this issue · comments

Describe the issue
I have three external camcorders connected to my MacBook Pro, each with its own Scene in OBS. On the same Mac I join a Zoom meeting. In Zoom Preferences > Video, I set Camera to "OBS Virtual Camera." The image in the OBS "Program" window appears in the Zoom Meeting, as expected. However, when I transition to a different Scene in OBS, the image in Zoom does not change; it still shows the image that is now in the OBS "Preview" window

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Connect two Video Capture Devices to OBS, each in its own Scene.
  2. Place one Scene in Program, the other in Preview.
  3. Select Tools > Start Virtual Camera.
  4. Join a Zoom Meeting.
  5. In Zoom Preferences > Video, for Camera select OBS Virtual Camera.
  6. In OBS, Cut between Scenes.

In OBS, the image in "Program" window changes. In Zoom, the image does not change.

These screenshots both show OBS on the left and Zoom Meeting on the right.

In the first image, David is in Preview, Sam is in Program. Sam is also in Zoom.
1  Right After Joining Zoom Meeting

In OBS, I performed a Cut transition
In the second image, David is now in Program and Sam is in Preview. However, Sam is still in Zoom but Zoom should now be showing David.
2  After Transition in OBS

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS version: macOS Catalina 10.15.6
  • Application (if applicable): Zoom
  • Virtualcam version: 1.2.0
  • OBS version: 25.0.8

Additional context
I know that Zoom is using the OBS Virtual Camera because if I stop the VirtualCam the Zoom Meeting displays the "Regular/Mirrored" graphic.

Hey, interesting to see.
Does this only happen is studio mode?

I've only tested in studio mode. In another test this morning, OBS and Zoom behaved differently. In OBS I was switching between an image and a media video clip. (I had one camcorder attached, but did not use its video image in today's test.) Each time I transitioned in OBS, Zoom did too...just as it should!

However, in this test the Hot Keys that I had defined for several transitions did not work. (They had worked before I started Zoom this morning, and also had worked in the test on Sept. 13 described in my initial post.) But I discovered that if I clicked on a transition in the list between the Preview and Program windows, OBS performed the transition and so did Zoom. Perhaps Zoom is capturing keyboard input on my MacBook Pro???

This is very strange, but I'm just pulling the output from OBS. I'm not sure what I could be doing on my end that would cause this.

Thanks, John. It is very strange indeed. Last week it failed, today Zoom followed right along each time I made a transition in OBS.