johnae / sambal

Ruby Samba Client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

File without any flags is not listed by ls

np422 opened this issue · comments


A curious case, a file without any flags set won't be listed by the ls method of the sambal client.

Some of the information below have been redacted to protect the innocent.

smbclient -I prd-db-w01 -U XXXX YYYY .....
cd /some/strange/path
smb: \some\strange\path\ > ls
  .                                   D        0  Wed Nov  3 10:22:12 2021
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Nov  3 10:21:57 2021
  ID_84389_7601003001921_211111012316880071_20211116164659941.pdf          166155  Wed Nov 17 16:40:46 2021

When using sambal in irb.

irb(main):001:0> require 'sambal'
irb(main):002:0> smb = 'ZZZ', host: 'prd-db-w01', share: 'FS_PRD', user: 'XXX', password: 'YYY')
irb(main):003:0> '/some/strange/path'
=> {"."=>{:type=>:directory, :size=>"0", :modified=>2021-11-03 10:22:12 +0100}, ".."=>{:type=>:directory, :size=>"0", :modified=>2021-11-03 10:21:57 +0100}}

And after toggling the archive flag, using file explorer.

smb: \some\strange\path\> ls
  .                                   D        0  Wed Nov  3 10:22:12 2021
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Nov  3 10:21:57 2021
  ID_84389_7601003001921_211111012316880071_20211116164659941.pdf      A   166155  Wed Nov 17 16:40:46 2021

The response from the sambal client.

=> {"."=>{:type=>:directory, :size=>"0", :modified=>2021-11-03 10:22:12 +0100}, ".."=>{:type=>:directory, :size=>"0", :modified=>2021-11-03 10:21:57 +0100}, "ID_84389_7601003001921_211111012316880071_20211116164659941.pdf"=>{:type=>:file, :size=>"166155", :modified=>2021-11-17 16:40:46 +0100}}

The behaviour is likely caused by the + sign on

If this is the expected behaviour, please feel free to slap me with a dead trout and close the issue.

Additional information.

In my initial report above, the filesystem for the share connected to is a MSSQL server FileTable backed share.

The same behavior is present when the file flag is n on a normal filesystem.


smb: \> ls
  .                                   D        0  Mon Dec  6 14:49:09 2021
  ..                                  D        0  Mon Dec  6 14:49:09 2021
  asdf.txt                            n        0  Mon Dec  6 14:49:08 2021

When using sambal:

=> {"."=>{:type=>:directory, :size=>"0", :modified=>2021-12-06 14:49:09 +0000}, ".."=>{:type=>:directory, :size=>"0", :modified=>2021-12-06 14:49:09 +0000}}

Hey @np422! It's likely somewhere in this method things go wrong:

def parse_files(str)

It does have some expectations on the output.