johnGettings / LIHQ

Long-Inference, High Quality Synthetic Speaker (AI avatar/ AI presenter)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'LIHQ.QVI.demo'

nexus-collab opened this issue · comments

I get this error every time I try to run the collab

On which cell do you get this error?

Okay I found it.
It looks like gdown has a bug in it that wasn't allowing me to download I upgraded to the latest version in requirements.txt and it seems to be working for me now.

I'm not seeing the image

There are a lot of options within the primary LIHQ colab but if you look at the 'Examples' colab you'll find it can be pretty simple as well.
All you need is audio file(s) in the audio folder, a cropped image of a face (specify location with the 'face' argument in , click run and find the video output in: LIHQ ->output -> finalVidsOut

If you complete those three steps it should work, as long as the audio is clean and the face is within specifications mentioned in the colab. Everything else is optional.

Face image size shouldn't matter too much.

What is the length of your audio? As it states in the name, the tool has a LONG inference time and uses a couple models that requires high RAM use. This tool is not really meant to create a 15 minute video. I would recommend keeping audio clips to under 30 seconds and splicing together finished video clips as necessary. Be sure to look at 'ref_vid_offset' argument if you want the spliced clips to look seamless.

If you are still running out of memory go into colab settings: Runtime -> Change Runtime Type -> select high-RAM option.
I have tested on a T4 and have never received OOM, so check your GPU and see if it is anything less powerful than that. It may be a problem. You can subscribe to google colab+ and get more RAM, better GPUs, more frequently.