johannakarras / DreamPose

Official implementation of "DreamPose: Fashion Image-to-Video Synthesis via Stable Diffusion"

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

where is this Deep_Fashion_Dataset/img_highres and what does ../UBC_Fashion_Dataset/train-frames/*/*png' refer to?

zhangtao22 opened this issue · comments

Excuse me,after reviewing the code, I found
[path for path in glob.glob('../Deep_Fashion_Dataset/img_highres////.jpg') if os.path.exists(path.replace('.jpg', '_densepose.npy'))]).
where is this dataset?I browsed deep fasion and found that they have several datasets.What is this one?
In addition, what does ../UBC_Fashion_Dataset/train-frames/*/*png' refer to? do you extract frames from UBC_Fashion_Dataset?If that, how did you extract,24 frames every second?

Hi, this is the Deep Fashion in-shop clothing retrieval dataset. The released checkpoint is only trained on UBC Fashion Videos, but training on Deep Fashion is also an option.

'../UBC_Fashion_Dataset/train-frames/*/*png' refers to the preprocessed training dataset containing every frame_x.png from the UBC Fashion train dataset videos, along withe a corresponding frame_x_densepose.npy densepose file. Frames are extracted via cv2 VidCapture function.