johanandren / futiles

The missing utils for working with Scala Futures

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Set up sbt-ci-release

mdedetrich opened this issue · comments

Not sure what the release story of this project is, but if it publishes to sonatype I can set up sbt-ci-release which has direct integration with sbt-github-actions which would allow you to release new versions of this project just by pushing the appropriate tag to main.

I have done this change to numerous lightbend/akka projects so I know it works.

I have previously just published this project manually to sonatype since it's very stable and at most one or two releases a year. Having it automated could be nice, so if you have time and want to do that, sure (but it's not super important)

Cool I will go ahead and do the PR, you just need to add the sonatype details to github secrets, i.e.