Internal Server Error
austincollinpena opened this issue · comments
Ever encounter any internal server errors? Running with TLS on so not sure what's up
Hmm, no, there's not a lot that can go wrong here! I'm assuming you're running on Compute@Edge and not in the local development environment, Viceroy?
You could try log-tailing the service to see if there are panics or other runtime-related issues happening there. If a 500 is happening, it could be a panic before the handler gets executed, but I can't imagine why.
Yeah that's true. TBH I just moved to Rust for now. I'm bummed by that but I'll hit up support.
The handler works fine except when I'm getting the JA3.
On a separate note... are you doing any normalizing of JA3's to counter Chrome's random implementation?
I hadn't seen this, but I'll take a look at it. My original plan was to implement the JA3 generation myself, but I was able to farm it out to a third party library, so normalization will probably need to go upstream into that library.
I just pushed a commit which updates the tinygo build script and updates the Go SDK to the latest version. Feel free to give that a shot, but I don't expect it to change anything.
What was the third party library? I'm currently using Fastly for this but would be interested in more control.
Dang, I never saw a link to that repo. That would have saved me some time haha. Thanks for sharing it.